Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects progress of military building tasks, enhancement of three capabilities in area of Eastern Command

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects progress of military building tasks, enhancement of three capabilities in area of Eastern Command

Nay Pyi Taw  September  8

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San and senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), inspected Eastern Command Headquarters and military building tasks of regiments and units under its control and enhancement of three capabilities this morning.

Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Lin Aung reported to the Senior General on undertaking of security of the region and rule of law in the area of Eastern Command, implementation of four military building tasks, anti-drug measures, formation  of  people’s  militia, progress of agriculture and livestock breeding, and welfare tasks.
In  his  response,  the  Senior General said every military unit and every soldier of the Tatmadaw need to effectively take training for having combat readiness. If they are not fit in fighting at the battlefield, they cannot carry out the tasks dutifully. As such, they have to systematically take training in individuals and in groups. Relevant officials need to supervise full training of all military units and soldiers without absence. Supplies must be provided to them to have nutrition in daily lifestyle.
The Senior General stressed the need to supervise anti-drug measures. RCSS/SSA group is allowed to take their measures in Loi Tai Leng area and southern Mongpan area and SSPP/SSA group in Wamheng area in Shan State (South). They are not allowed to base in other regions. They cannot be allowed to take any measures beyond their areas. The Tatmadaw is standing tall on the path of NCA while implementing the eternal peace process.
With regard to political progress, all political parties will launch their moves of canvassing as of today. So, Tatmadaw members need to systematically reside in their areas. As it is a move of selecting a new government, all need to review policies of parties as well as candidates. Comparing the good deeds of two governments for the State based on experiences, it is necessary to urge all to select good and able persons. The Senior General called for casting votes for the persons who would serve the interests of the State and the region and observing conditions of the candidates to be voted.
Only when, the chain of command is good, will any organization have progress. As such, officials should control subordinates in a correct way. Commanders must take administrative measures with goodwill with motivating subor-dinates to work with active motion. Only when they obey military disciplines, will they be good soldiers. As such, officers must control and train subordinates in a correct way to become good and able soldiers. Tatmadaw Education Schools are established to promote education standard of Tatmadaw members. 

As they will be different in quali-fication with ideas depending on their learning education, emphasis must be placed on capacity enhancement of comrades in building the Standard Army. Only when they have capability, will they have improvement. So, they have always to control their capability. Com-manders must control servicemen as their families with goodwill and give correct guidelines to them to become good and able persons with knowledge of better lifestyle.

Then, the Senior General and party continued to the local medical battalion in Taunggyi and inspected the extension of intensive care units (ICUs) for COVID-19 patients and monks. Director of the Directorate of Medical Services Brig-Gen Ko Ko Lwin and officers from the local medical battalion conducted round the Senior General and party, who later spoke words of encouragement to the patients there warmly and presented foodstuffs for them.Similarly, wife of the Senior General Daw Kyu Kyu Hla met with the wife of the commander of the Eastern Command and wives of senior military officers from stations under the command at Panglong (1) Parlour this afternoon. At the meeting, Daw Kyu Kyu Hla said that every country in the world has an army, which is organized systematically. As the Tatmadaw has been organized systematically, the observance of discipline can be seen in the Tatmadaw. It is necessary to safeguard the fine traditions and good reputation of the Tatmadaw. She added that she, as the wife of a member of the Tatmadaw, would like to urge families of the Tatmadaw to live in unison and it is necessary for all to have the same visions and convictions with single-mindedness and it is impossible to build unity with different convictions. It is important for families of the Tatmadaw to comply with rules and disciplines issued by the Tatmadaw and to appreciate the spouse who is performing duties for the country and the Tatmadaw. Although it is impossible for each one to undergo the same circumstances, it is necessary for all to nurture new generation offspring to be outstanding educated persons endowed with knowledge and skills. Only then, will the new generations be able to perform the duties of the country successfully.

Afterwards, Daw Kyu Kyu Hla presented cash assistance for the maternal and child welfare association to the wife of the commander of the command.