Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) donate two aquatic weed harvesters to be used in cleaning and long term existence of Inlay Lake

Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) donate two aquatic weed harvesters to be used in cleaning and long term existence of Inlay Lake

Nay Pyi Taw  September  9

Inlay  Lake  in  Inlay  area  of Nyaungshwe Township in Shan State (South) is famous not only in Myanmar but also across the world whereas Inlay PhaungdawU Buddha images are eminent as religious heritages among Buddhist people. As a significant act in Inlay area, local people row the boats by hand as well as by leg, catching special attention of globetrotters. Pilgrimage tours and visits of home-grown and international tourists to Inlay PhaungdawU Pagoda help develop social economic status of Inlay area.

Plastics and garbage free is of great importance for Inlay Lake and its area. Even if people use plastics unavoidably, they have to systematically liter them. Plastic is abundant not only in Inlay area but also in seas of the world, imposing threats to deterioration of water creatures and natural resources. Especially, local people of Inlay area, administrative bodies and businesspersons need to be joined hands in conserving the area. During the visit to Inlay area on 15 February, the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services cordially met with local people and discussed that narrowing the area of Inlay Lake with lesser volume of water due to water hyacinth, weed, silt and unsystematic littering, and needs of undertaking conservation of the lake for its sustainable development and for greening and beautifying tasks. Local people reported on needs of ensuring proper flow of water into the lake and sanitation for widening the wetland area.

In accord with the guidance of Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) donated two aquatic weed harvesters in order to support the reports of locals and conservation tasks of Inlay Lake. The two aquatic weed harvesters arrived at Inlay area in the first week of September. On 8 September, these harvesters were operated on test in the lake to start clearing of garbage, weed and water hyacinth. A plan is underway to hand over the harvesters to local people and relevant departments to use them in cleaning Inlay area for long term existence.

Aquatic weed harvesters worth Ks-246 million each are a brand of Aquamarine made in Canada. The harvester weighing about three tons can carry 201 cubic feet of weed and garbage. It can clear 200 cubic feet of weed and garbage per hour and so 1,600 cubic feet per day. Such machinery can automatically operate gathering and cutting weed, uploading them on the harvesters and unloading them at designated sites if weed reaches set weight. As such, the quicker work process can save man power and contribute much to cleaning and beautifying of Inlay Lake.

The Tatmadaw donated tiles with resilience of heat at the terrace of Inlay PhaungdawU Pagoda for convenient travelling and obeisance of pilgrims to the pagoda, held traditional boat races in Inlay area and donated Inntha traditional boats for showing traditional customs to international tourists and for supporting inheritance to be given to new generation youths. On the other hand, the Tatmadaw is participating in tasks of keeping 
Inlay Lake neat and tidy.