Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visits Mother Industrial Company Limited in Insein Township

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visits Mother Industrial Company Limited in Insein Township

Nay Pyi Taw October  7

Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by members of  the SAC,union ministers, the Chief  Minister of Yangon Region, the Commander of Yangon Command, the Mayor of Yangon and officials, visited and studied the factory of Mother Industrial Company Limited in Insein Township in Yangon Region this afternoon.

Firstly, the Senior General and party arrived at the factory where the Senior General were briefed by Union Minister of Industry Dr Charlie Than on the state of suspending the Brick Factory (Danyingone) and leas-ing the plot owned by the factory to Mother Industrial Company Limited on a long-term basis to  produce autoclaved aerated concrete blocks that reduces environmental impact.

Then, Managing Director U Soe Yi of the company gave a presentation on brief history of the factory, investment in building the factory to produce autoclaved aerated concrete block-AAC and autoclaved pressed concrete block-APC, collecting raw materials and production line, benefits from using AACs and APCs and the state of general requirements that might be fulfilled by the State.

Regarding the presentation and report on the factory, the Senior General said personnel of the Ministry of Industry, who were attached to the factories upon the business requirement according to the lease of factor-ies, had to work at the enterprise concerned in accordance with the rules and discipline. The factories will need approval from the Myanmar Investment Commiss-ion (MIC) if they make a change of business unlike the terms and conditions mentioned in the lease of factories. Domestic private-owned enterprises are encoura-ged, and the factories need to fulfill domestic needs and to be successful, he said. The Senior General also made necessary coordination on the enterprise.

Afterwards, the Senior Gene-ral observed a demonstration on using and testing AACs and APCs and their durability at the factory. Managing Director U Soe Yi briefed on the demonstr-ation. 

Later, the Senior General and party took a tour of the factory of Mother Industrial Company Limited observing the product-ion process in manufacturing the AACs and APCs and the fun-ctions of the physical laboratory and chemical laboratory for quality control test. Chairman of Mother Industrial Company Limited U Aung Myat and Managing Director U Soe Yi briefed the Senior General and party on the production line of the factory.