Entire ethnic people requested to vigorously participate in the prevention of further terrorist acts of terrorists over religious affairs

Entire ethnic people requested to vigorously participate in the prevention of further terrorist acts of terrorists over religious affairs

Nay Pyi Taw December 8

  Terrorist groups CRPH and NUG commit terrorist acts in some areas after declaring an announcement on 7 September to do terror acts in Myanmar. This being so,  they violently abducted and killed members of the Sangha paid homage by the people as a political tool in addition to terror acts on residents’ transport and health measures.

A total of 14 members of the Sangha have passed away till today in their terror acts, and those terrorists set fire to monasteries and committed attacks on the monasteries in some areas.

On 6 December, Abbot of Lonpi Sasana Rekkhita Pari-yatti Missionary Monastery of Falam in Chin State Chairman of Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ñanika returned to his monastery from the youth training school in Falam Township by a vehicle driven by Deputy Staff Officer of the School U Chit San. On the way, the Sayadaw was abducted by PDF terrorists. This evening, the Sayadaw arrived back in Falam and Deputy Staff Officer U Chit San went missing due to the abduction of the terrorists.

On 7 December, three members of the Sangha led by Abbot of Lumbini Monastery in Myo-ma Ward 14 of Tamu Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vayama and one layman returned from the donation ceremony in Hleseik Village by car. On arrival at Chaung-energy Village at about 2 pm, PDF terrorists opened fire at the vehicle without reason, and the vehicle was damaged in the incident. Likewise, terrorists attempted to set fire to hilly missionary Sayadaw Bhaddanta Paññajota residing in Mindat Township of Chin State together with the vehicle on the afternoon of 12 June.

It is necessary to notice that all global countries allow different attitudes on the political ground and freedom of expression but no terror acts on the religions are committed in any country. Anyone should not commit terror acts on religious affairs. A press release was issued that a serious warning was given to all organizations in the country not to pose the threats on religious affairs, not to commit any terror acts including abduction and murdering, and the people are requested to fully join hand with the security troops not to cause further terrorist acts.