PDF terrorists who killed innocent people including a nurse in Mandalay Region arrested within 24 hours

PDF terrorists who killed innocent people including a nurse in Mandalay Region arrested within 24 hours

Nay Pyi Taw December 13

Terrorist groups, CRPH and NUG that support NLD set up PDF terrorist group with the goal of causing total destruction and are committing destructive acts, such as, killing people who prefer a peaceful life, of various places, under multiple reasons, and torching or destroying State-owned buildings, hospitals and schools, which are public places, homes, villages, markets, State-owned banks, private banks, departmental offices, State-owned property and private property and factories/ workshops and plundering property.

PDF terrorists shot dead a nurse and her husband at about 7.30 am on 12 December at the corner of 62nd, 104th and 105th streets in Chanmyathazi Township, a ward administrator and a member of general public between 113th, 56(A) and 56(B) streets in Pyigyitagon Township, and a person helping a procession of monks who were collecting early morning meals at 56th, 106th and 107th streets, Aungpinle Ward, Chanmyathazi Township.

Security forces tried to arrest the terrorist shooters as early as possible, and arrested a terrorist involved in a terrorist killing at 55th and 114th streets in Chanmyathazi Township at 6.30 pm on 12 December. They also found information about assassination programs with the intension of killing innocent people and contacts made to kill informers and commit terrorist acts in his mobile phone.

According to the arrested person, terrorists were gathering to celebrate their success in committing the attacks in a two-storey house with bamboo matting wall and tin roof at 42nd, 61st and 62nd streets, Thanhlyetmaw West Ward, Maha Aungmyay Township. When the security forces checked the house at 9 pm, terrorists responded with pistols and grenades from it. A security members was wounded (not serious) as he was hit by a bullet in the stomach. When security forces fired back and raided the house, they captured seven terrorists dead and seized two pistols and five magazines, 19 improvised mines, 10 assorted grenades, 67 9mm cartridges, four units of gelignite, three detonators, three remote controls and accessories.

Acting on further information received from the captured person that PDF terrorists were hiding in a two-storey wooden house with tin roof at the corner of 117th, 51st and 52nd streets, Pyigyitagon Township, went to the place to make an arrest. During the incident, security forces captured dead a terrorist who tried to flee after throwing a home-made bomb at the security forces.

Action will be taken against the arrested terrorists in accord with the procedures. Security forces have further enforced the rule of law to protect the people from terrorist killings. People are requested to join hands in the task with awareness.

The following is a confession of an arrested terrorist.

I am Aung Naing Myint of Mandalay PDF. I live in Chanmyathazi Township. Under the orders of the leaders of Mandalay PDF, my main job was to kill the informants. So, my main job was to kill members of administration offices and security troops. We were divided into local groups, and acted according to the situation. On that day, our group assassinated Chan Mya Nyein, a nurse, and her husband. The main members of the group were Tay Mi, Ye Ye and Par Kyae. We assassinated Ko Zaw Sai Win Ko, Ko Phyo Wai Aung and Ko Naing Min Htwe of a social team to help monks in Aungpinlae. We were waiting for administrator U Soe Nyein Han in Pyigyitagon and while he was having breakfast, Ko Thet Paing Thu, Ko Thein Than Aung of our group shot him dead. I was caught when security forces blocked the junctions and made a search in Mandalay after shootings occurred in the city. When they checked my phone, the security forces exposed my plot to kill war veterans, security members and informers. I revealed the hideout of PDF members during interrogation and showed the place where they were celebrating.

When security members tried to arrest PDF members at the place on 61stx62nd and 42nd streets, they attacked with guns and grenades. Security forces shot them back and arrested them. A member of the security forces was seriously wounded.

Eight PDF members died.

The images of the bereaved families of the people we had killed appeared in my mind.

What we had done was an evil deed. Based on the lessons I have learned, I would like to tell PDF that the law is the best security for people.