New Year wishes extended by Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing

All the esteemed national brethren,

    I wish you all health, happiness and auspiciousness in the year 2022.

The year 2021 was an important year for our country. We faced a variety of challenges during the previous year. As for the firmness of the path to multiparty democracy, we placed our stand on national stability, unity and development to the most possible degree.

The Tatmadaw has been se-rving the interest of the nation and people within the frame work of the duties entrusted by the Constitution. The govern-ment is in harmony and unison with the national people in ensuring greater national peace, stability and prosperity and food security. We should bring wealth to the nation in accord with the saying, which goes, “Unity leads to national prosperity”.

COVID-19  pandemic  that broke out in December 2019 was first detected in Myanmar on 23 March 2020. During the ensuing two years, the virus has been evolving and appearing as variants. The Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus emerged in the world, and it has been detected in Myanmar. So, we need awareness and to take preventive measures in advance.   

Our target for the vaccination program is to give vaccines to over 50 percent of the people who can get the vaccine in 2021. We  have  vaccinated 51 percent of the people aged 18 years and above. As the schools have reopened, we have already vaccinated 87 percent of students aged 12 years and above.

I would like to inform the people that the government is trying to manufacture the vaccines internally within its capacity. We believe it will come true. If we can produce the vaccine domestically we will definitely meet our vaccination target for 2022.

   The vaccines reduce the risk of infection to a certain degree. They can protect aga-inst severe illness. We will be able to shape our own future only if we are healthy.

The year 2022 is important for the country. The diamond jubilees of Union Day and Independence Day fall on 12 February and 4 January 2023 respectively. So, 2022 is the year of the prediamond jubilees. It is vital for us to provide our country with the foundations for further strengthening of the 75 year old State sovereignty and national progress.

In this regard we must start the new steps towards peace this year. As we have already stated the fourth point of the fivepoint roadmap, we invite all stakeholders to the peace negotiations. 

The government ensures continued efforts for national peace, stability and prosperity and the emergence of a Union based on peace, democracy and federal system in 2022 and calls for the participation of the entire people.

Let us all join hands while adhering to the saying, which goes, “Unity leads to national prosperity”. May this New Year fulfills the hopes of the entire national people.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing

Prime Minister

Chairman of State

Administration Council