Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visits Tatmadaw Textile and Garment Factory (Thamaing)


Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visits Tatmadaw Textile and Garment Factory (Thamaing)

Nay Pyi Taw June 10

Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by his entourage members, the Yangon Command Commander and members, visited the Tatmadaw Textile and Garment Factory (Thamaing) located in Hlaing Township, Yangon Region, Ward (12), this morning to inspect it.

First, the Senior General was briefed by Quartermaster General Lt-Gen Kyaw Swar Lin in the factory's conference hall about the current status of the Tatmadaw’s cotton cultivation activities, the implementation of the directives given during previous inspections by the Senior General, and the progress of the cultivation plans according to the season. Factory Manager U Khaing Shwe also provided an update on the implementation of the directives given by the Senior General, an overview of the factory's history, current operational status, staff assignments, and measures being taken for the well-being of the employees.

Regarding the briefings, the Senior General emphasized the importance of conducting soil quality tests and research activities to ensure the success and productivity of cotton cultivation. He stated that proper land preparation should be done according to soil types, necessary nutrients should be fully provided, and adequate irrigation should be ensured. He also mentioned the need to study and achieve expected yield rates based on soil types. The Tatmadaw should strive to set a good example in cotton cultivation and aim to produce A-grade cotton. Instead of cultivating multiple varieties, the focus should be on cultivating a single variety to produce high-quality cotton. Since good quality garments and textiles depend on high-quality cotton, it is essential to produce highquality cotton. The Tatmadaw Textile and Garment Factory (Thamaing) is responsible for producing necessary garments and textile items for the Tatmadaw. To reduce the dependency on imported textiles, the domestic textile and garment factories need to produce sufficient quantities. Basic clothing items like t-shirts and undershirts, which are used daily, should be produced locally in sufficient quantities and sold at affordable prices.

He emphasized the need to produce and sell garments in various colours and popular designs that are appealing in the market. Additionally, items needed for the hotel industry and personal use should be produced with high quality to meet market demand. Research activities should be carried out to ensure the success and development of these operations. Since textile and garment factories are highly beneficial to the country, they must produce enough to meet national needs, allowing citizens to use garments at affordable prices. Proper planning and consideration should be given to ensure this. He then viewed the textile products displayed in the factory.

Afterwards, the Senior General, along with his entourage, inspected the production stages of textiles and garments within the factory. They reviewed the current conditions and addressed necessary adjustments based on the presentations from the factory manager and responsible personnel. Cash rewards were also distributed to the factory staff.

The Tatmadaw Textile and Garment Factory (Thamaing) is known for producing highquality items such as brown textile, tetron brown fabrics, brown undershirts, brown scarves, robes, various coloured tetron fabrics, colored undershirts, colored scarves, various types of T-shirts, sport shirts, nylon mosquito nets, medicinal gauze, and colored bed sheets. These products are made to meet the needs of the military and domestic market demands at affordable prices.