Anarchic mob committing unlawful acts near Bago river bridge controlled in accord with law
Nay Pyi Taw February 28
Section 144 of Criminal Procedure has been imposed in some of the cities since 8 February 2021 and on 26 February, a warning was issued that legal action would be taken against persons whoviolate the Section 144 of Criminal Procedure and who exert instigations or pressures to stage CDM.
Despite the warning, a crowd of 3,000 protesters was staging a protest without obeying the Section 144 of Criminal Procedure at a place near the Bago river bridge in Bago, Bago Region at about 9 am today.
As the riotous protests could harm the public security, the rule of law and community peace and cause riots, the security forces requested the crowd to disperse.
As the request was ignored, a smoke bomb was used to disperse them. But only few left and about 1,000 of them continued the riotous pro-tests. The mob then turned anarchic and started to loot, destroyand torch the nearby shops and attack the security forces with catapults, bricks, iron nuts and glass balls without any cause.
As the mob turned anarchic, security forces tried to disperse the crowd by applying legal procedures in all stages and exercising minimum force. The crowd dispersed at about noon.
Security forces carried out sanitation for the debris left behind by the mob that destroyed or torched the shops. When they were about to leave the place, they received an information saying that the mob was going to burn down a shopping mall in the town. The crowd dispersed when the security forces secured the area. When the security forces heard that the mob was destroying the shops near the bridge again, they rushed to the place to protect the shops. But the crowd foughtthem back with iron hooks, rods and knives. Security forces once again tried to disperse the crowd by applying legal procedures in all stages and exercising minimum force. It dispersed at about 6 pm.
During the incident, 21 members of the security forces were injured due to the violent attacks of the protesters. Two male protesters were injured and another two died, while the security forces were trying to disperse the crowd. The police station concerned opened a case to investigate the matter. Some of the persons involved in the incident have been detained to take actionagainst them in accord with the law.
Video files showing the destruction of shops near the Bago river bridge by the anarchic mob have gone viral. The State Administration Council has no desire to take legal action against innocent people. But the Council has already informed the public about the laws in connection with criminal procedures and warned the people against yielding to instigations made with the intension of causing riots and destroying stability. People should not fall under the evil schemes of NLD instigators; they should pursue the peaceful and stable way of earning their living.