Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets officials from UWSA (Wa) group, provides medical supplies for prevention and control of COVID-19
Nay Pyi Taw September 5
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing received officials from UWSA (Wa) group at Aung Pyi Hein Avenue in Tachilek Station of Triangle Region Command this afternoon. The meeting was also attended by Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) and Commander of Triangle Region Command Maj-Gen Khin Hlaing, U Nyi Kat and members of UWSA (Wa) group.
The Senior General said Myan-mar has experienced COVID-19 since March. Although the infection did not spread extensively, cases have been increasing since earlier August. There have been 1,216 confirmed patients till this morning. When he visited in Kengtung in May this year, COVID-19 medical supplies were donated to the UWSA (Wa) region and then members of Tatmadaw medical corps were sent there for providing healthcare services. More will be sent if necessary.
As the outbreak increases now despite slow outbreak in early period, people need to live in discipline and control themselves. Discipline is important as it is difficult to control the high outbreak. Despite news about vaccine developments, they cannot be precisely recognized. This is why it is the best for individuals to be wise. Food is of the utmost importance to human beings. So, people need to ensure food security by engaging in agriculture and livestock breeding tasks in their own regions till they achieve success. As import of meat, fish and vegetables costs a lot, agricultural and livestock breeding tasks must be carried out in the regions systematically. Not only that, but also other foodstuffs and consumer goods must be domestically produced. Moreover, industries like garment should be established to create jobs for locals and troop families.
To do such things, good health is necessary. Therefore, healthcare must be promoted for local populace including women and children. U Nyi Kat and members from UWSA (Wa) group expressed thanks to the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services for having provided medical supplies for COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment two times. The region is speeding up preventive measures and monitoring and restricting movement. They are also working for the success of the peace process. They then invited the Senior General to visit their region when he has the time as he is serving the interest of the country.
The Senior General presented 20,000 surgical masks, 300 suits of personal protective equipment (PPE), 1,000 N95 masks, 250 face shields, six containers of sodium hypochloride (15L), 1,000 sets of examination gloves, 150 bottles of hand gel, 150 bottles of hand sanitizer and foods and consumer goods produced by the Tatmadaw. U Nyi Kat and members accepted the donations and presented local gifts to the Senior General. After the meeting, the Senior General and party cordially greeted U Nyi Kat and members of UWSA (Wa) group.