Ceremony to pay homage to section (1) of throne of Maravijaya Buddha Image held
Nay Pyi Taw October 23
The ceremony to pay homage to the section (1) of the jewel throne of Mayavijara Buddha image to be built in the Buddha Park in Dekkhinathiri Township in the Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory was held at the auspicious pandal this morning.
It was attended by members of the Sangha led by OvadacariyaSayadaw of the board of trustees of the Uppātasanti Pagoda Presiding NayakaSayadaw of Paukmyaing Monastery in Lewe in Nay Pyi Taw AbhidhajaMahaRattha Guru BhaddantaJaninda. Also present at the ceremony were Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min AungHlaing, Vice Chairman of the SAC Deputy Prime Minister Vice Senior General Soe Win, members, the secretary and the joint secretary of the SAC, union ministers, the chairman of the Nay Pyi Taw Council, senior officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, invited guests and religious associations.
The ceremony was opened with homage paying by reciting NamoTassa three times and admiring the MettaSutta recited by Sayadaws. Then, the congregation recited the Ratanapuja and SubhasinghahaMettaGatha.
Afterwards, the leading donor of the Buddha Image the Senior General took the position at the place where the section of the throne is to be installed and tightened the golden nut at the auspicious time before sprinkling paritta scented water on the section.
Then, donors of the Buddha Image led by PaukmyaingSayadaw paid homage to the section of the throne by sprinkling paritta scented water and reciting Jayamangala victorious Gatha , which begins with Jayantawbodhiya.
Then, the victorious merit-sharing message was read out and the ceremony concluded with a three-time recitation of Buddha SasanamCiramTitthatu. Afterwards, the Senior General supplicated the Sayadaw on matters related to building the Buddha image and sought advice.Then, banknotes were scattered to mark the success of the ceremony.
Next, the Senior General and party viewed the construction of the Buddha image and left necessary instructions.
At the briefing hall of the construction site, Lt-Gen KanMyint Than and Lt-Gen KyawSwar Lin from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) reported on extraction of marble for Buddha image construction, conveyance of the marble stones to Nay Pyi Taw, carving of a throne and body part and work to be continued for combination of them, and imprinting of the Three Pitakats stone inscriptions in Pali and English languages. The Senior General made further discussion.
The Marawizaya Buddha image has the meaning that Lord Buddha who victoriously defeated all dangers caused by Mara. The Marawizaya Buddha image was built with the four aims of showing the flourishing and propagation of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar to the world, ensuring State peace and stability, making the region progressive and prosperous with visits of local and foreign pilgrims and facilitating national development. It will be carved in BumiPhatha Mudra style with the 32 major characteristics and 80 minor characteristics of Lord Buddha. The throne is 18 feet high and the image 63 feet high totaling 81 feet in height. Upon completion, the Buddha image will be the largest and highest one carved of marble in Myanmar and the world. The throne will be curved in five parts. Part-1 weighs 655 tons. The body of the image will be curved in four parts. The construction work still continues.