Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Message from Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing,
Chairman of the State Administration Council on the 76th Anniversary of the United Nations Day
On behalf of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, I wish to convey our heartfelt congratulations to the United Nations on the occasion of the 76th Anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. I take this opportunity to extend our best wishes for better realization of the Organization’s goals that genuinely reflect the needs of people in today’s time.
Seventy-six years ago, the establishment of the United Nations made history with its noble aims for world peace and security. The organizational goals emerged from all aspects of the world’s most complex issues – from poverty reduction to taking care of the environment, may vary year by year. But, the core value of the Organization remains unchanged – to gather in unity out of diversity to create a peaceful, just and prosperous world.
The deadliest virus, COVID-19, has demanded for greater strength of unity and solidarity among nations to handle the issue as a global challenge. This year’s theme of the United Nations General Assembly “Building resilience through hope – to recover from COVID-19, rebuild sustainably, respond to the needs of the planet, respect the rights of people and revitalize the United Nations” aptly relfects today’s global reality. It is timely for the United Nations to reinforce unity and solidarity among nations and to ensure more-inclusive multilateral arrangments, only by which political, economic, social and environmental needs and wishes of the world population can be best served and balanced, allowing well-being and sustainable development for our children and future generations.
Myanmar has no exception for being affected by the global pandemic, especially in the third wave in July of this year. Like many other countries, the devastating impact of COVID-19 pandemic affects the nation’s economic activities with possible long-run socio-economic consequences. Against this backdrop, the Government of Myanmar has made every endeavour to facilitate live-saving services to its population caught up in ramifications of the pandemic, while striving to maintain peace and stability to bring the country back to normalcy and its path to democracy in accordance with the 2008 Constitution amidst the challenges and hindrance imposed by certain groups and countries.As Myanmar is committed in achieving lasting peace, the Tatmadaw announced ceasefire for twenty times from 21 December 2018 to date. Accordingly, the Tatmadaw supported the Secretary-General’s Appeal for Global Ceasefire and suspended military operations continuously from 1 September 2020.Recently, on 27 September 2021, the Tatmadaw made another announcement to further extend the ceasefire period for five months from 1 October 2021 to 28 February 2022.
On this account, the United Nations is a symbol of hope for us to seek collective efforts in addressing challenges on the basic of mutual respect, fairness and impartiality in an open and inclusive manner. The principles of sovereign equality, impartiality and objectivity are vividly enshrined in the UN Charter. It is therefore vital for the United Nations to ensure these noble values apply to all nations without political motives in the face of growing doubts on multilateralism. It is also of necessity that the United Nations discharge its mandate and allocate scarce resources in the most effective manner.The United Nations should remain a beacon of hope for people, wherein “We the peoples” should unite our strength in supporting the UN to properly function its tasks vested by the Charter.
Myanmar firmly believes in the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and reaffirms our commitment to cooperate with the United Nations and other member countries in support of constructive efforts of the Organization to build a healthy, wealthy and thriving world for all our people.