Press release on the situation after the Tatmadaw assumed the State duties and matters relating to ASEAN special envoy
1. The Tatmadaw restored the duties of the State on 1 February 2021 in accord with the stipulations contained in the Constitution (2008) after declaring the state of emergency in the nation. The root cause of the event is the election fraud during the multiparty general election held in 2020 generated with a political intention and the actions of the then government and Union Election Commission and the ruling NLD party that caused the election fraud. Those actions and plots were made public internally and internationally with clear and transparent evidences and announcements and press conferences time and again.
2. Even before the time it assumed the State duties, the Tatmadaw applied various means to hold talks on the issue of election fraud with the UEC, the then government, the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and political leaders. If the 2020 multiparty general election was fair, clean and truthful, the government in office would have to deal with the matter in accord with the law. But it failed to do so.
3. After it assumed the State duties, the Tatmadaw started its first task of “reestablishing the UEC and checking the voter lists in accord with the law.” But the persons who are responsible for the issue chose the way of instigating violent strikes and armed attacks instead of facing it in accord with the law. Although the Tatmadaw could continue to detain the MPs, who were in Nay Pyi Taw to attend the Hluttaw session, it with the goal of building the nation through a genuine and disciplined multiparty democracy system and solving the problem in accord with the law sent them back home. Some of them formed a terrorist group under the name “CRPH” on 5 February 2021 and launched anti-government activities. Of them, the majority of former NLD MPs had pushed the people towards staging violent riots and armed anti-government activities instead of choosing the way to solve the problem in accord with the law.
4. Protests started on 7 February. Later, they tuned into different stages from riots to anarchic mobs, insurrection and terrorism. Riots reached their maximum on 22 February. But the total number of participants was just 4.8 million. Riots were followed by the formation of region-wise terrorist groups under the name “PDF '' to commit armed terrorist acts. They committed acts such as attacking and killing people who did not support them, attacking and killing security members and civil servants, torching state-owned property including schools, hospitals and dispensaries, blowing up bombs, and destroying roads and bridges. Hence the State declared NUG and CRPH, leading those terrorist attacks, as terrorist groups.
5. The terrorist groups committed 986 terrorist attacks, 2344 bomb attacks, 312 arson attacks, totaling 3642 in the entire country till 21 October 2021. Because of their terrorist attacks, 1155 innocent civilians died and 765 were wounded; and 75 Tatmadaw members, 93 police members, 14 government staff, totaling 182 security members died. Another 602 were also wounded. A total of 251 schools and education buildings were burnt down or blown up. Terrorists destroyed roads and railroads, which were public transport links, 536 times and destroyed 76 bridges. They also attacked or destroyed administrative buildings, religious buildings, factories, markets and urban infrastructures. They have torched or blew up 251 schools where children pursued education, which is rare to find even in global terrorism and this action alone is the obvious proof of the terrific terrorist acts of NUG, CRPH and PDF. So, the ethics of some countries and organizations that are encouraging, assisting and supporting those terrorist groups have become questionable.
6. The state allowed amnesty and closed criminal cases which are pending for people who are serving sentences and being prosecuted for their involvement and made incitement in protests and terrorist activities, with an emphasis on humanitarianism and for the peace of mind of the people and for their participation in nation-building. Myanmar New Year, which is traditionally revered in Myanmar, on the full moon day of Thadingyut and Union Day, a total of 51,704 people: 45,668 men and 6,036 women, were pardoned and their cases have been closed. Release of detainees from ethnic armed groups (EAOs) aimed at ending internal armed conflict and lasting peace. A ceasefire statement has been issued and the ceasefire period will be extended for five months from October 1, 2021 till the end of February 2022.
7. The government should do its best to prevent the escalation of aggression with minimal bloodshed. Despite the wide-ranging considerations from all sides, it did what it wanted to do and what it should do. The terrorist group NUG issued statements on September 9 to incite armed attacks and to escalate armed attacks to increase violence across the country. People have been incited to commit acts of violence.
8. Negotiations are underway with ethnic armed groups (EAOs) to address the ongoing armed conflict in Myanmar. There are still ten EAO groups that have signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and other EAO groups that haven’t signed the NCA yet. The negotiation process will be continued. Separate arrangements will continue with the AA, TNLA and the MNDAA that emerged after the NCA agreement. The National Unity and Peace Coordination Committee held 15 meetings with the EAOs for national reunification and six rounds of talks with political parties after February 1 and will continue to be held. Similarly, the Union Election Commission has held two meetings with political parties. Negotiations with the NUG, which has opted for armed violence in favor of legal redress for electoral fraud and the CRPH and the so-called PDF terrorist group will not be accepted.
9. It was in the second wave of Covid-19 when the Tatmadaw took over State responsibilities. On 24 April 2021 when the ASEAN leaders’ meeting was held in Indonesia, Myanmar had 142,712 Covid-19 cases. At that time, the government banned gatherings, protests and riots to curb the Covid-19 spread. However, instigators continued gatherings in the form of terrorism and anarchism. Irresponsible and unethical so-called CDM health staff were absent from their duties and workplaces. They also motivated others in various ways to act as they do. Consequently, the outbreak increased by over 10 percent in the country. As cases surged, the positivity rate reached over 20% in early July, over 30% in the second week of July, and 40% in the third week. There were 5,506 cases (40.82%) and 326 deaths (5.92%) on 23 July 2021. There were 396 deaths (8.55%) on 26 July. For effective Covid-19 prevention, control and treatment, measures were taken such as closing schools again, series of announcements of public holidays for offices for over two months from 7 July to 10 September 2021, and declaration of 113 stay-at-home townships.
10. The government led by the Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister adopted a policy “Nothing is as important as human lives”. The government did its bests to take Covid-19 prevention, control and treatment measures in its third wave by using all available resources. The human resource and treatment requirements had to be fulfilled through various means caused by weaknesses in preparedness and oxygen supply and emergency treatment and irresponsibility of some unethical health staff. Liquid oxygen necessary emergency treatment was imported from neighbouring China and Thailand. For vaccination that plays a major role in preventive, control and treatment tasks, efforts had to be made to obtain Covid-19 vaccines. The previous government arranged purchase of vaccines from India But with increased outbreak in India, only 2 million doses arrived in Myanmar and the arrival of more doses was suspended. So, the process was started again and with Chinese help, over 26 million doses of vaccines have been received. During difficult time, international organizations like UN and its agencies and ASEAN also failed to implement vaccine supply programs. Three friendly nations donated vaccines—4.6 million doses by China, 2.5 million by India and others by Russia. The measure continues to vaccinate 50% of the eligible population against Covid-19 by this year’s end. The terrorist organizations in the name of NUG, CRPH and PDF are using instigative ways to disturb the vaccination process in the form of bio-terrorism. However, the people, the government, duty-conscious health staff, social organizations and the Tatmadaw are working in collaboration. An average of 250,000 people are being vaccinated daily. Till 21-10-2021, 5,157,048 people were fully vaccinated and 6,961,599 people received first doses with a 17,275,695 doses in total Currently, Myanmar still saw 7.19% Covid-19 positivity rate on 22 October. Despite fewer riots and protests, brutal killings, bomb attacks and mine attacks still exist as a challenge.
11. These are circumstances that can reflect the current situation and action of the government. Under such circumstances, the government is making constant efforts for the prosperity of the country, stability and strengthening of the genuine disciplined democratic system. During the meeting of ASEAN leaders held on 24 April 2021, the Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister discussed the situation then, future tasks, stance and attitude of the government frankly. In response to leaders of and representatives of countries to the same meeting, the Chairman of the SAC Prime Minister highlighted three points. We would like to remind you of the points that Myanmar will take the advice seriously based on the current internal situation of the country, consider the proposals and visits of the ASEAN based on the internal stability of the country and will think about the positive contributions of the ASEAN in the interests of the nation if they are made based on the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN way and ASEAN spirit. In connection with the appointment of the special envoy, Myanmar faced various negotiations and changes despite its serious efforts. Myanmar faced restrictions over the demands and interference of countries outside the ASEAN in addition to limitations for the visit of the ASEAN envoy caused by above-mentioned circumstances.
12. In connection with such matters, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar issued a statement on 22 October in response to the statement of ASEAN rotating chair Brunei issued on 16 October. It is found that the statement of the rotating chair of the ASEAN is contrary to Article 20 (1) , which states, “As a basic principle, decision-making in ASEAN shall be based on consultation and consensus”, Article 8 (2) (a), which states “The ASEAN Coordination Council shall prepare the meetings of the ASEAN Summit”, and Article 2 (a), (e) and (f), which state respect the independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity and national identity of all ASEAN Member States, non-interference in the internal affairs of ASEAN Member States and respect for the right of every Member State to lead its national existence free from external interference.
13. Therefore, the SAC government will-
(a) strictly implement the five-point road map, which has been adopted by the SAC since it assumed State responsibilities and was explained at the meeting of the leaders of the ASEAN;
(b) cooperate as much as possible in implementing tasks in according to the five-point consensus of the ASEAN and
(c) continue to uphold and implement the foreign policy of peaceful coexistence among nations with a view to having world peace and friendly relations among nations in accordance with the 2008 constitution.
News Information Team
The State Administration Council