MoHT Union Minister inspects tourist destinations in Thanbyuzayat Township

MoHT Union Minister inspects tourist destinations in Thanbyuzayat Township

October 31, 2021

Union Minister for Hotels and Tourism Dr Htay Aung visited the Myanmar-Thai Death Railway Museum in Thanbyuzayat Township of Mon State yesterday.

The museum was established to lure foreign visitors and develop the region in 2016. It features historic paintings, steam locomotive and records photos and video clips of soldiers paving ways. The museum was reopened to the public yesterday after a temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Then, the Union Minister and party went to War Cemetery of Thanbyuzayat Township and the officials reported the maintenance works of the cemetery.

The cemetery was the very first one established in Myanmar in 1946 and the prisoners of war from the UK, Australia, the Netherlands and Asia who died in paving the Myanmar-Thailand Death Railway from 1942-1945 were buried there. Most of the visitors pay a visit there.

Then, the officials visited the Kyaikkhami mid-water pagoda and donated offertories including cash. The pagoda is crowded with domestic travellers during the public holidays.

The Union Minister then inspected the preparations of 21 Paradise Hotel at Setse beach.

The Union Minister met the Mon State Chief Minister U Zaw Lin Tun and discussed hotels and tourism development programmes and appreciated the efforts of the state government for working together with the ministry.

Finally, the Union Minister inspected the place to construct Information Counter for destinations in Mawlamyine Township.