Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets region , district and township level departmental officials, local elders and MSME entrepreneurs from Sagaing Region
NAY PYI TAW March 20
Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met region,district and town ship level departmental officials, local elders and MSME entrepreneurs from Sagaing Region at Chindwin Hall of the local government office this morning and discussed regional development.
Present together with the Senior General were SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC members Dr Hmu Htan, Daw Dwe Bu and U Maung Ko, Union ministers Dr Kan Zaw, U Min Naung, U Hla Moe, Dr Charlie Than and U Aung Naing Oo, Sagaing Region Chief Minister U Myat Kyaw, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the North West Command commander, and officials.
Individual reports on requirements for economic development
The chief minister explained endeavours for development of local MSMEs, districtwise industrial zones and operations, MSME product fairs, market festivals and talk shows, ongoing human resources development courses, future programs for MSME development.
MSME entrepreneurs, U Ko Ko Myint, on behalf of industrialists in Sagaing, U Tun Tun Oo on behalf of entrepreneurs in Sagaing, U Phyo Thura on behalf of industrialists in Shwebo, U Kyaw Ngwe on behalf of entrepreneurs in Shwebo, U Zaw Won on behalf of industrialists in Kalay, U Soe Myint on behalf of entrepreneurs in Kalay, U Khin Maung Nyo on behalf of industrialists in Monywa, U Than Htay Aung on behalf of entrepreneurs in Monywa, and other attendees reported on points and progress of work of industrial zones, fuel supply for Sagaing, Stateprovided capital for development of rice mills, longterm quality control measures for Shwebo pawhsan rice, provision of electrify the main requirement for industrial development, extension of flights, upgrading of industrial zones, facilitation of modern equipment export business, facilitation of commodity flow and assurance of secure and smooth transport, adequate water supply for Sagaing thro-ugh the use of solar-power water system, upgrading of two busiest thoroughfares, Sagaing Hill road and Kanna road, a detour road project to ensure traffic safety in Sagaing, assistance for development of traditional silverware and bronze ware industries, launching of Mandalay Sagaing Indaw Katha rail service for tourism development and other requirements for local economic development.
Discussions of Union ministers in relevant sectors
Regarding the individual reports of businesspersons, Union ministers discussed encoura-gement and assistance of the State to development of MSME businesses which plays a key role in improvement of the State economy, investments in Sagaing Region, plans of relevant ministries to provide quality strains of paddy to local farmers, implementation of relevant ministries for regional development and progress of agriculture and livestock sectors, chances of farmers to contact relevant departments, technical, machinery and capital assistance for formation of cooperative societies to improve socioeconomic life of the rural people and increasing their incomes, staging MSME shows and contests across the nation, and needs of collaborative efforts of businesspersons to combat illegal trade which can harm domestic businesses and development of MSME.
The region chief minister discussed that reports will be emphasized and the region government will contact relevant ministries for solving the necessary measures.
The Senior General responded to the discussions.
In his speech, the Senior General expressed his delightedness at the meeting with depart-mental officials and businesspersons from Sagaing Region. Today’s meeting showed difficulties of businesspersons in individuals. It should take pride in successful manufacturing products with the use of agri-cultural produce from Sagaing Region. The Senior General said he took pride in successful manufacturing of products with the use of domestic materials. Sagaing Region can operate livestock farms successfully, and it possesses the fertile soil between Ayeyawady and Chindwin rivers.
Good economic driving force can facilitate political and defence driving forces
Standing of a country depends on political, economic and defence driving forces. If its standing is based on united citizens,
its political strength will be high-er. Good economic driving force will help develop the nation. If the country builds powerful defence capability, it will be powerful in the international arena to some degree. Among these forces, the economic driving force plays a key role to contribute to development of the nation as well as peace and stability. Only when the economic driving force improves will political and defence driving forces be built. Hence, everybody needs to understand the economy. The government manages development of the State economy as well as the public economy. Myanmar is engaged in the business based on agriculture and livestock farms. Hence, it is necessary to emphasize agro and livestock based businesses in improving the State and the citizen interests and initiating the prosperity of the people.
Domestic manufacturing will reflect the goods for sale. Manufacturing needs raw materials. Sale of raw materials from relevant areas cannot fetch good prices but valueadded products can earn increased incomes.
Efforts to be poured out for successfully operating agriculture and livestock farms in relevant regions
The Senior General disclosed that it can be seen that Sagaing Region could not meet the targets of agriculture and livestock sectors. Systematic cultivation of paddy can increase per acre yield and contribute local food sufficiency. If surplus products can be sold, it will contribute much to regional development. Per acre yield of wheat is the highest in Sagaing Region.
Sagaing Region needs to increase high yield of wheat. The Department of Agricultural Research, local farmers and wheat users are to cooperate with each other in seeking quality seeds of wheat. Local farmers are to set an aim for distribution of paddy to domestic market as well as the foreign market. It is necessary to efficiently utilize the cultivable lands. But, it can be seen that some 500,000 acres of allowed cultivable lands are not fully used in Sagaing Region.
For successful agriculture and high yields, good strains, fertile soil, enough irrigation water, and correct cultivation methods are required. To meet the fertilizer demand, livestock breeding activities should be systematically carried out and waste from farm animals can be turned into biofertilizer. Dairy and meat cows must be systematically and successfully raised. With the establishment of agricultural and livestock breeding zones, that will benefit Sagaing Region much. From the cradle to the grave, man requires clothing. For that, it is necessary to grow cotton successfully. The State is encouraging for greater success in cotton cultivation. The region is urged to do that. Quality cotton should be grown and the State will provide necessary help. The successful cotton cultivation will meet domestic demand, and surpluses can be exported. If Sagaing Region is to grow rice, wheat, cotton and oil crops more successfully, that will contribute towards regional and national progress.
In our country, Sagaing Region produces the largest amount of bamboo from which paper pulp can be produced for the State. The State will allow for establishment of paper factories. Homalin of Sagaing Region produces rubber. Therefore, rubberbased motorcycle and bicycle tyres and consumer goods can be manufactured, and necessary assistance will be provided.
Measures for enough electricity generation
The country imports edible oil and fuel oil annually to meet domestic demand. So, sunflower and oil crop cultivation should be successful to meet the demand to a greater degree. It is also necessary to consider reducing fuel oil usage. Measures are being taken to adopt public transport system relying on electricity. The import of electric vehicles has been permitted and they are being used in some places. The State is also making efforts to ensure enough electricity supply. Sagaing Region can engage in solar power, a renewable energy source. Individual businesspersons are urged to engage in power generation from solar power. There are many places in the Chindwin and Ayeyawady rivers for power generation. Based on solar energy, river water pumping projects can be implemented for farming purposes. With a failure to implement hydropower projects for various reasons, it is important to use water resources efficiently. The inability to fully tap the natural resources has posed a barrier to national interest and progress. Electricity can also be generated from coal production in Kalaywa. The local people are urged to cooperate in implementing the projects that benefit their own region and country with a farsighted view of State interests. They need to decide with care and consideration regarding the instigations from those wanting to achieve political gains and see no success in such national projects.
Encouragement given for development of human resources
Our policy is to encourage domestic economy and domestic commodity production. As capital loans have been disbursed from the State economic development fund, it is necessary to systematically and profitably spend them. Raw materials, capital assets, fuel oil, electricity and human resources are needed for commodity production.
To have human resources necessary for agriculture and livestock farming businesses, agriculture, livestock and mechanical training courses are being conducted at high schools in 50 districts and institutes on those subjects are being opened as well. Through those courses and institutes, colleges and universities could be joined for further studies. In the previous academic year, it is learned that Sagaing Region had the smallest percentage of school opening and attendance. I would like to urge all to work together and give encouragement for the improvement of your children’s education.
Sagaing is a region standing with its own assets. Operating commodity production enterprises with the use of local raw materials will be of much help to regional development. If MSMEs are successfully operated, not only urban development but rural development can be achieved in the region. Cooperation of departmental personnel who are posted to the region for regional development, security organizations and locals will be helpful to the regional development. Administration bodies in the region are to take measures to ensure that discipline is maintained. Locals need to comply with the set rules and regulations. I want all of you to make efforts and work together for your region’s development. Doing so is not politically motivated but for the nation and regional development. I would like to urge you all to work together for the interests of your region and nation.
Afterwards, the Senior Ge-neral presented foodstuffs for departmental personnel at the levels of region, district and township through Dr Win Naing, head of Sagaing Region Health Department, U Zaw Tin Moe, head of Monywa District General Administration Department, and U Aung San Win, head of Monywa Township General Administration Department.
Then, the Senior General cordially greeted the departmental officials, the local elders and MSME entrepreneurs.
Later, the Senior General took a tour of exhibits of mineral products, foodstuff, personal goods, industrial products, traditional handicraft, clothing and traditional medicine on display. He had questions on the products’ market availability and the entrepreneurs briefed on their businesses.