SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win watches opening match of technological universities and computer science universities’ championship football trophy for academic year 2022-2023
NAY PYI TAW March 28
Opening football match of technological universities and computer science universities’ championship football trophy for academic year 2022-2023 was held at Wunnatheikdi Stadium in Nay Pyi Taw at 3 pm today, attended by Vice Chairman of State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win.
Also present were SAC members, Union ministers, the Nay Pyi Taw Council chairman, senior military officers, deputy ministers and officials.
Union Minister for Science and Technology Dr Myo Thein Kyaw gave the opening address declared the tourney open.
Footballers of the participating teams took the oath.
The Vice-Senior General and party cordially greeted the footballers.
They then watched the opening match between technological universities (upper Myanmar) team A and team D of the group three.
Team A scored the opener in the 37 minutes. In the second half, both teams tried hard, and team A scored its second in 50 minutes seven seconds.
It secured another goal in the 64th minute and won the match with a threenil victory.
In the fourgroup match, computer science universities’team A (Upper Myanmar) comprising Mandalay Computer Science University, computer science universities (Pinlon, Bhamo), team B comprising computer science universities (Mandalay, Lashio, Taunggyi), and team C comprising computer science universities (Magway, Meiktila) are taking part in the group one.
Likewise, computer science universities (Lower Myanmar) team A comprising Yangon Computer Science University, IT university, computer science universities (Sittwe, Myeik), team B comprising computer science universities (Pathein, Maubin, Hinthada, Thaton), team C comprising computer science universities (Taunggo, Pyay, Hpa-an, Loikaw), are taking part in group two; technological universities (Upper Myanmar) team A comprising Mandalay Technological University, technological universities (Myitkyina, Bhamo, Magway, Pakokku), team B comprising technological universities (Kyaukse, Taunggyi, Lashio, Pinlon, Kengtung), team C comprising technological universities (Mandalay, Yadanabon Cybercity, Kalay, Monywa, Sagaing), team D comprising Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University, Nay Pyi Taw Technological University, technological universities (Meiktila, Yamethin) in group three; and technological universities (Lower Myanmar) team A, Pyay Technological University, technological universities (Hmawbi, Taungoo), team B comprising Yangon Technological University, technological universities (Sittwe, Pathein, Hinthada), team C comprising (Thanlyin, Mawlamyine, Hpaan), team D comprising Yangon West Technological University, Technological Universities (Maubin, Dawei, Myeik) in group four. Group matched continue till 3 April, semifinal will be on 5 April and final on 7 April.