Tatmadaw member athletes, coaches who brought honour to the nation in 32nd SEA Games and 12th ASEAN Para Games honoured

Tatmadaw member athletes, coaches who brought honour to the nation in 32nd SEA Games and 12th ASEAN Para Games honoured


A ceremony to present honorary cash awards to Tatmadaw member athletes and their manager coaches who brought honour to the nation in the 32nd SEA Games and 12th ASEAN Para Games was held at Bayintnaung Yeiktha, here this morning, addressed by Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, who also gave away honorary badges.

Also present together with the Senior General were his wife, Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Vice Chairman of State Administration Council Deputy Commanderin-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye and wife, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and wife, the Commander-in-Chief (Air) and wife, union level officials and wives, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and wives, deputy ministers and honoured guests.

Honorary speech

The Senior General said the ceremony to honour athletes who achieved success with unyielding spirit and the spirit to overcome any kind of hardships by applying their talent is to honour the persons worthy of honour and to foster the patriotism of new generation athletes and to encourage them.

The Senior General said at the State Flag handing over ceremony, he had urged the athletes to compete with all-out efforts with the conviction that the Flag of the Republic of Union of Myanmar, handed over to the Myanmar sports contingent to 32nd SEA Games, is not only the dignity of the country, but it also represents the national duty for the Flag to fly proudly in all events. All athletes including Tatmadaw members who showed true Myanmar spirit with the conviction to accomplish their mission as good soldiers by striving for the State Flag to fly with dignity are honoured.

It is clear that athletes with disabilities need extraordinary enthusiasm and efforts to win medals. By winning medals in the prestigious international game, the athletes with disabilities prove that they can achieve success in life as able persons do. Especially those who sacrificed limbs for the country are praised for their eagerness and hard work to achieve success. Other soldiers who sacrificed limbs for the country must also be urged to pursue sports at least for health Naturally, majority of sports events need physical and spiritual power based on fitness of the contestant. Endurance, hard training, techniques, and stamina are also requisites. Sports events like boxing, judo, weightlifting, taekwondo, Myanmar thaing provide soldiers with the power of combat readiness in their national defence duties apart from healthiness. Soldier athletes who took part in para games won medals in events in connection with the self-defence, and coaches were able to bring about athletes who could shine the national image.

Moreover, the athletes were able to preserve the cultural legacy and won gold medals in traditional sports competitions. It was also found that the image of female athletes includingthose from the Tatmadaw achieved success that won the heart and soul of the people by competing against powerful rivals out of perseverance and diligence until the last minutes and seconds based on the spirit of invincinity.

It is known to all that sports competitions are organized at the company, battalion, regional command and Commanderin-Chief of Defence Services levels in the Tatmadaw every year. It can be seen that ports contribute not only to health through different ways and means but also to unity and social development.

Certificates of honour and cash rewards presented

Then, presenting honorary prizes to athletes and coaches of the Tatmadaw who improved the image of the country, the Senior General awarded certificates of honour and cash rewards of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services to WO-2 Aung Zaw, who won the gold medal in Chinlone (Team Event) and the silver medal in Sepak Takraw (Team Event), and WO-2 Aung Kyaw Moe and Cpl Kyaw Zeyar Win, who won the gold medal in Chinlone (Team Event), in the 32nd Sea Games, and Cpl Maung Lin, who won the gold medals in track and field events for individual (800-metre) and (1500-metre), the silver medal in track and field event for individuals (400-metre) and the bronze medal in track and field event for teams (400-metre Relay Race) in the 12th ASEAN Para Games.

Afterwards, the wife of the Senior General presented certificates of honour and cash rewards to civilian substitute appointed staff Ma May Zin Nwe and Ma Aye Aye Moe, who won the silver medal in Football (Female) in the 32nd Sea Games.

Then, the Vice-Senior General presented certificates of honour and cash rewards to WO-2 Tin Nyo, who won the gold medals in track and field events for individuals (Javelin) and (Shot Put) and the silver medal in track and field events for individuals (Discus), and Sgt Soe Wai, who won the gold medal in track and field event for individuals (100-metre), the silver medal in the track and field event for individuals (200-metre), the bronze medals in track and field event for teams (100-metre) and in track and field event for individuals (400-metre), Cpl Aung Tun Lin, who won the gold medal in track and field event for individuals (Discus) and the silver medal in track and field event for individuals (Shot Put) and Cpl Ye Min Soe, who won the gold medal in track and field event for individuals (Discus) in the 12th ASEAN Para Games.

Next, the wife of the Vice-Senior General presented certificates of honour of the Commander-in-Chief and cash awards to Tatmadaw-substitute civilian staff members Ma Yupar Khaing and Ma Khin Than Wai who won the silver medal in the women’s football tourney of the 32nd SEA Games.

The Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) presented certificates of honour of the Commander-in-Chief and cash awards to silver and bronze medalist deputy warrant officer Than Zin Oo, silver medalist corporal Zaw Min Lwin, silver medalist corporal Pyae Phyo and double bronze medalist lance corporal Soe Win in their respective sports events.

The Commander-in-Chief (Navy), Commander-in-Chief (Air), Adjutant General and Quartermaster General presented certificates of honour of the Commander-in-Chief and cash awards to the victorious Tatmadaw sports athletes, managers and coaches.

Words of thanks

On behalf of the victorious Tatmadaw sports athletes, managers and coaches, Sergeant Soe Pei spoke words of thanks. After recounting the experiences and winning of medals, he said he was so glad to see the Tatmadaw sports athletes bring honour and victories to the State. And the result is thanks to the assistance from the government and the Tatmadaw. Such victories came from that fact that handsome prizes were presented to the award-winning athletes while more prizes were awarded this year. Sincere thanks go to the SAC Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services and all other officials for promoting the coaches who helped the Tatmadaw sports athletes win medals and presenting the Commander-in-Chief’s certificates of honour and cash rewards. Representing the State and the Tatmadaw, continued efforts will be made to achieve greater success in international sports events to come in order to bring honour to the country.

Performances presented

The Senior General and wife and party then hosted a tea party for the victorious Tatmadaw sports athletes, managers and coaches, and the Myawady band played songs.

After the ceremony, the Senior General and wife and party cordially greeted the victorious Tatmadaw sports athletes, managers and coaches.