Rehabilitation and collective cleaning tasks continue in Loikaw in Kayah State damaged by acts of terrorism by KNPP, KNDF and so-called PDF terrorists

Rehabilitation and collective cleaning tasks continue in Loikaw in Kayah State damaged by acts of terrorism by KNPP, KNDF and so-called PDF terrorists

NayPyiTaw July 26


With the aim of destroying the administrative mechanism of Kayah State, the KNPP, the KNDF and socalled PDF terr-orists committed various acts of sabotage by taking cover of residential, religious, health and educational buildings in state capital and the seat of the state government Loikaw and surrounding area starting from December, 2021. Moreover, some local residents were killed and injured when they fired heavy weapon rounds at the crowd with the brutal aim of killing and injuring a large number of people while the opening cere-mony of the archway to comme-morate the 71st Anniversary of Kayah State Day, which falls on 15 January, 2023 was being held on a grand scale together with local national race resid-ents.

Similarly, on 13 November, 2023, the KNPP, KNDF and so-called PDF terrorists delibe-rately attacked Loikaw Univer-sity, a non-military target, with heavy weapons and small arms and forcefully abducted some educational staff performing their duties at the university and some students studying there. They attacked the batta-lions and posts of security forces with massive forces in Moebye, Pekon, Loikaw and Demoso townships with the aim of destabilizing Loikaw region in Kayah State on 26 January and committed acts of terrorism by abducting and killing local residents, torching and planting mines at houses, markets, departmental building to halt the government mechanism and launching attacks on security forces by taking cover of  residential, departmental, educatio-nal and health buildings in the town and surrounding areas.

As security forces have launch-ed a counter-terrorism operations by taking footholds phase by phase in areas controlled by the terrorists since 29 January, retaking the control of 42-mile long Hsihseng-Loikaw road on 29 May and fought 87 engagements with the terrorists.      It was reported on 15 June that the security forces took necess-ary security measures on 14 June in the industrial zone and Narnattaw Ward from which they harassed the security of Loikaw town and the airport and carried out rehabilitation of damage in towns and villages caused by terrorists and mine-clearing tasks for the safety of local residents.

Tatmadaw columns continued to take necessary   clearance measures in remaining places as of 16 June and took control of Narnattaw Ward, Naungyar (A) Ward, Tayngarlyar Ward, Naungyar (B) Ward, the Taung-kwe Pagoda, Saint Martin Church, the cultural museum, the gover-nment technical institute, the guest house of the state govern-ment, state-level ministerial and important buildings, Loikaw airport and the entire Loikaw University on 11 July. Measures were taken to reopen some schools and efforts are being made to reopen all universities and schools.

While the government and the Tatmadaw are exerting efforts for regional stability, the terrorists fired heavy weapon rounds at Loikaw on 4 July with the aim of destroying towns and villages and heavy weapon rounds fell into Lawkadhamma Ward, Namtbawwam (A) Ward, Ywartanshe Ward and Kyauktaung Ward, killing a local resident and injuring 10 others including four children, who were later sent to the local defence services hospital for treatm-ents.

After Tatmadaw columns have taken security measures in Loikaw and surrounding areas, military personnel, members of the Myanmar Police Force, departmental staff including local residents collectively carried out rehabilitation and cleaning tasks speedily. This morning Chief Minister of Kayah State U Zaw Myo Tin and Commander of the Eastern Command Maj-Gen Zaw Min Latt, accompanied by officials, ins-pected the areas, spoke words of comfort to residents and coordinated the necessary mea-sures.

As Loikaw areas in Kayah State have become stable and normal thanks to the efforts of the government and the Tatma-daw, local residents have star-ted returning to their homes consistently and necessary rehabilitation tasks are being coordinated and carried out by responsible officials.