Clarification by Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, Leader of the Information Committee of the State Administration Council, about the Fabricated News about the incident in Byaingphyu Village in Sittway Township Released by AA Terrorists


Clarification by Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, Leader of the Information Committee of the State Administration Council, about the Fabricated News about the incident in Byaingphyu Village in Sittway Township Released by AA Terrorists


It is found that AA terrorists have released a concocted news report about the incident at Byaingphyu Village, Sittway Township. Kanpyin Old Village/ Kanpyin New Village is located to the north of Byaingphyu Village. Byaingphyu Village is also located to the north of Sittway Township.

AA terrorists have taken refuge in these villages and have been attacking Sittway, dropping bombs from drones and shooting randomly over it with heavy weapons since before. Acting on a tip-off by the residents that AA terrorists were taking refuge in Byaingphyu Village and Kanpyin Old Village/Kanpyin New Village, Tatmadaw carried out regional security in Byaingphyu Village on 29 May. When Tatmadaw security forces entered the village, the situation was calm.

In the village, security forces interrogated suspicious-looking persons, non-villagers. It is certain that they were not the residents of the village. Three of the interrogated persons attempted to grab the rifle of a security force member and attack him. A security force member had to shoot three persons to death. About 20 persons were detained and interrogated.

It is mentioned in the AA’s cunning and propagandistic news report that about 40 persons died and women were raped. Such incidents did not take place. There is a reason behind the AA’s release of the fabricated news. AA committed the murder of Bengalis in Buthidaung Township and set fire to their houses. Regarding this, some social media and international organizations put pressure on it. Meanwhile, AA made this accusation, fabricating the news.

The worst incidents occurred in Buthidaung on 17 and 18 May.

We received the information that AA terrorists entered Buthidaung at about 9:30 pm on 17 May. They torched the houses of Bengalis and ordered them to leave their places. They set fire to all Bengali villages – the villages near Buthidaung, such as Ohthi Village, and then all the villages to the east of Buthidaung. We also got a piece of information that they had committed massacres. We have sound evidence regarding this. They were trying to cover up their activities.

I have also mentioned it once before. AA is practising racial discrimination and doing extremist racial instigations. If I put it straight, the AA organization is creating hatred of Myanmars, and hatred of Bengalis. Moreover, it is creating hatred of small national races such as Mro, Khami, Thet, Dainet, etc.

AA is an organization relying on narcotic drugs. In the past, we exposed some AA members and organizations supporting AA in connection with the trafficking and distribution of narcotic drugs.

I would like to mention an exposure as recent as 21 March.

A duty-conscious person informed us that Thant Zin Oo, an absconder, an AA member in charge of supply, was transporting narcotic drugs from Yangon to Sittway and Buthidaung, linking with May Yu Tun, also an absconder, another AA member in charge of supply, who was living in Buthidaung. Then, we raided a place in Tamway Township, Yangon, and arrested culprit Tun Thein Aung and his two wives.

Based on their testimonials, we conducted a surprise check on a cargo vessel, MV Sein Pyae Min, that plied between Yangon and Sittway. The ship was moored at No 2 wharf at Bayintnaung Port in Mayangon Township, Yangon Region. We seized one million stimulant tablets, bearing the letters ‘WY’, kept in cardboard boxes, worth Ks-1 billion at a prevailing value.

The three arrested persons said they accepted an offer by absconder Thant Zin Oo, who was in Bauktheesu Ward in Sittway, to transport the stimulant tablets from Yangon to Sittway for a fee.

So they put the drugs on MV Sein Pyae Min. We made nine seizures of narcotic drugs in a period from 2016 to March this year that were connected with the AA insurgent organization.

The seized drugs were valued at Ks-294.82 billion.

On 29 May, we inspected a motorcar on its way from Yangon to Pyay, which was carrying bricks mixed with narcotic drugs, supposed to be sent to the AA group. Two people in the car were Tun Tun Win and Teza. We seized ten sacks, each containing 20 packages of WY tablets packed in brick-shaped packaging, and nine sacks, each containing ten packages of brick-shaped tablets — totalling 2,900,000 tablets, valued at Ks-2,000 million.

As I have mentioned, it is found that AA terrorists are committing extremist racial instigations, massacres, and arsons in Rakhine State, and trafficking and distributing narcotic drugs that will cause the extinction of the entire nation.

The national brethren and the people must be conscious of AA terrorists who are perpetrating extremist acts and engaged in drug trafficking that will cause the extinction of the Rakhine nationals. I would like to remind all the people of their activities that will harm the benefits of the Rakhine people in Rakhine State and the nationals of Myanmar and urge all to oppose them collectively.

Thank you, all.