Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses SAC meeting 3/2024 Citizens are the supporters of national development, but negative minded citizens are destructive to the country; terrorists must be oppose

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses SAC meeting 3/2024 Citizens are the supporters of national development, but negative minded citizens are destructive to the country; terrorists must be opposed with people’s power 

Nay Pyi Taw June 7

State Administration Council held meeting 3/2024 at the meeting hall of SAC Chairman’s Office here this afternoon, addressed by Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.

Also present were SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, SAC Secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dway, Joint SAC Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, SAC members and officials.

In his address, the Senior General said SAC is implementing the adopted five-point roadmap for national peace and stability and progress. SAC members should go through the sector-wise check, recheck and counter check procedure for the success of the tasks. They must fulfill the needs of every point and must carry out the remaining assigned task to the best of their ability. 

The State and Tatmadaw are ensuring peace, security and stability of the entire Union in realizing the first point of the roadmap. Certain foreign countries are directly or indirectly assisting the terrorist groups for various reasons. Tatmadaw and Myanmar Police Force are continuously shouldering security duties in the entire country. In fact, they are working for the perpetuation of national sovereignty. Hence, the government has increased the risk allowances for them. Likewise, it has also increased the cash assistance for members of Myanmar fire brigade and other civil servants.   


In some areas, ethnic groups who love peace, and Tatmadaw members and MPF members have crushed the terrorist insurgents and blocked their armed supply channels through collective efforts. Reconstruction and rehabilitation activities are being carried out in the places re-controlled by the Tatmadaw. Terrorists were burning down the villages they had to surrender and destroying the public property of innocent people. Those are small minded actions. 

SAC is steering the country on the road to genuine and disciplined multiparty democracy. On the other hand, terrorists are applying terrorism in solving political affairs. In fact, they are concentrating more on grabbing region-wise power than realizing the multiparty democracy. As SAC is working in accord with the 2008 Constitution, it is ensuring equal rights for all national races. 

Security forces are ensuring uninterrupted road transport and regional peace and stability. At the same time, they are trying to crush drug trafficking and the gun running business of terrorists.  In some places, terrorists attacked the security outposts. Security forces will take necessary action against them with added momentum.

The government will strive for the success of farming-based businesses in accord with the second point which is to expedite manufacturing businesses rooted in agriculture and livestock breeding. Production development will be followed by an increase in GDP. Agricultural, industrial and services sectors need progress. Farming is the country’s main business. Some foreign countries and organizations are imposing economic sanctions on Myanmar for various reasons since the SAC took power. Likewise, terrorists are intentionally making efforts for the occurrence of battles in border areas to harm the border trade.

The country must boost exports through both normal trade and border trade. Agricultural businesses cannot be run at full speed during the previous years. In conducting agro-businesses, efforts should be made to hit the per acre yield target and increase multiple cropping. In this way the agricultural sector will gain rapid development and increase exports. SAC members should supervise the work to meet the per acre yield target and develop multiple cropping.

If people with strong financial power make investments in the farming sector, it will achieve progress and support the production businesses more. Broiler, layer, meat cattle, milk cow, fast-growing pig and goat farming are profitable businesses and pouring investment in them will benefit the country. Profits can be reaped by systematically cultivating crops to meet the targets. Making investment in farming businesses will benefit the people of the industry and the nation. The existing sown acreage must be effectively used for agro development rather than extending cultivated areas.

People who can afford are willing to engage in highly profitable businesses. So, they are encouraged to contribute to the country's economic development. By doing so, they will not only support the national economy but also enhance their own private interests. For example, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation, if one invests 400 million kyats in raising 10,000 laying hens for a period of 20 months, the profit will be over 70 million kyats. Raising 17,000 broiler chickens will yield a profit of over 50 million kyats. Raising 400 pigs will result in a profit of about 25 million kyats. Raising 500 goats will generate a profit of about 15 million kyats. Raising 80 dairy cows for two years will bring a profit of over 170 million kyats. Raising 80 beef cattle will result in a profit of over 20 million kyats, according to the calculations.

Similarly, in the agricultural sector, if 400 million kyats are invested in planting 500 acres of sesame, the profit will be around 50 million kyats. Planting 800 acres of soybeans will yield a profit of about 320 million kyats. Planting 640 acres of sunflowers will generate a profit of over 170 million kyats. Planting 200 acres of red onions will result in a profit of 500 million kyats. Planting 160 acres of garlic will bring a profit of over 500 million kyats, according to the calculations.

Upon examining the food commodities required by our neighboring countries, it was found that in 2022, China imported 92 million tons of soybeans from Brazil and Uruguay, and in 2023, it imported 94 million tons. Additionally, China imported 2.3 million tons of beef in 2021 and 2.7 million tons in 2023, along with other meat and fish products from abroad, according to their reports. Similarly, India and Bangladesh are countries with high consumption of red onions and garlic, indicating market demand for these products. Therefore, our country should focus on increasing the cultivation and production of soybeans, red onions, and garlic, as well as enhancing livestock production. This example is provided to illustrate the potential, while recognizing that there are many other market demands yet to be met.

Therefore, agricultural and livestock products have a strong market presence. They can support national food security and increase foreign income through exports. Consequently, entrepreneurs with financial capability are encouraged to invest in the reliable sectors of agriculture and livestock production.

To meet the country's cooking oil needs, it is necessary to cultivate oil-producing crops to achieve the set target yields. After completing the monsoon paddy cultivation, if 4 million acres of remaining land are used to plant sunflowers, it will help support domestic oil sufficiency. In addition to sunflower, peanut, and sesame, soybeans can also be used to produce oil. Therefore, increasing soybean cultivation and production will not only meet domestic consumption but also enable export to foreign countries. Moreover, it is important to enhance the yield of crops such as red onions and garlic. If we can successfully develop our agricultural and livestock sectors, it will lead to an increase in exports.

During April, we observed abnormal and extreme fluctuations in gold and currency prices, indicating that some unscrupulous economic actors were manipulating currency values. Consequently, necessary inspections were conducted, resulting in gold and currency prices gradually stabilizing to their appropriate levels. In the past, we have faced economic sanctions, bank system collapses, and deliberate currency devaluation efforts, but despite such challenges, we managed to restore the country's economy to a certain extent. Similarly, it has been observed that illicit funds are being used to purchase real estate in foreign countries. As a result, necessary regulations and legal checks are being carried out. The current gold and currency prices are unnaturally high, reflecting deliberate attempts to devalue the currency and destabilize the country's economy. I believe it is essential to focus on maintaining currency stability rather than merely observing its rise and fall. It is crucial to stabilize currency prices, as various parties are colluding to bring down our nation's economy.

Regarding the third point of our roadmap, the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), we are adhering to the agreed terms of the agreement. However, it has been observed that some ethnic armed groups who have signed the agreement and those who have temporarily agreed to ceasefire have violated the terms. Despite this, as a nation composed of various ethnicities living together in unity, we are working to maintain and preserve the interests of the Union. Except for defending ourselves, we have not attacked their military bases. In relation to achieving peace in the Union, we are working to facilitate meetings and discussions with political parties and ethnic armed groups who have signed the agreement in the near future.

Regarding the fourth point of our roadmap, which is the establishment of a strong multi-party democratic system and the construction of a Union based on democratic and federal principles, we have made efforts to strengthen governance since we took responsibility. We have expanded and structured districts for more effective administration. We urge regional authorities to utilize their administrative powers to promote regional development according to the state and regional divisions. The Union will establish necessary policies. It is essential to carry out tasks boldly and with full accountability at each level of responsibility to achieve economic, political, and social development. In some states and regions, agricultural lands have been used for other purposes under the pretext of urban development. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that land use complies with the established rules and permissions. Regarding the use of farmland, agricultural land, and vacant land, it is crucial to adhere strictly to the permissions granted and to prevent unauthorized uses.

In connection with education, measures are being taken to  implement compulsory education up to KG+12 and stationery is being provided free of charge. Some schools in Chin State, Kayah State, Rakhine State, Shan State (North) and upper Sagaing Region cannot be opened. It was learnt from reports that nearly 7 million students have attended schools so far. Based on age groups of the population of the country, more students are required to go to school. When the SAC took office, some education staff joined the CDM and efforts are being made to appoint more education staff by taking time. It is necessary to monitor and supervise private schools and collection of school fees must be systematic. Measures must be taken to open all schools which have not been opened and to study peacefully in schools which have been opened. It is necessary to take security measures for education staff and offer rewards for them. Similarly, in connection with the health sector, efforts are being made to appoint healthcare staff in vacancies. Measures have been taken to appoint doctors, who can provide basic healthcare services, every hospital. The fifth goal of the roadmap and the ultimate aim of the SAC is to hold a free and fair multi-party democracy election. The incorrect voters' list in the 2020 election was a very bad dark spot in the history of the country and it is necessary to compile correct voters' lists so as not to repeat such incidents. Necessary preparations will be made to get correct voters' lists. Population and household census will be conducted in October. Necessary preparations for potential difficulties must be made to conduct the census successfully. The population statistics will be available after conducting the census and the election can be held properly. Measures must be taken to conduct the census as much as possible in some areas where the census cannot be conducted on the ground. The population census will be conducted on the ground. The census will be conducted in possible towns and villages and security measures will be taken for related townships to conduct the census. In holding the election, it will be held in accordance with the 2008 constitution. As holding the election is the ultimate aim of the SAC, it will be held without fail. Therefore, members of the SAC are required to make concerted efforts to successfully implement the roadmap and to hold the election as much as possible.

Then, the joint secretary and members of the SAC reported to the meeting on field trips to regions and states for regional development and discussions about political, social and economic policies of the country, registration of political parties and measures taken to register remaining parties, investigations and action taken against those who destabilized the economy of the country, gold and foreign currency markets and caused inflation, opening of schools and school admission and seizure of weapons and narcotic drugs.

Afterward, the Vice-Senior General discussed preparedness for natural disasters during the rainy season and measures to be taken by ministries and departments to enable farmers to meet yield targets.

Then, the Senior General agriculture and livestock breeding tasks are viable economic businesses for the country and therefore, efforts must be made to help farmers meet yield targets. Foodstuffs and household products that are consumed by the people daily must be produced domestically as much as possible. Natural disasters and man-made disasters cause destruction and it is necessary to make preparations for them to minimize damage. Priority must be given to enabling all school-aged children to go to school in all the areas where schools are open.

Then, the Senior General made concluding remarks, saying the government has been exerting efforts to build a disciplined democracy and developed country. Although some citizens of the country are making efforts for development of the country while those who seek to destroy the regions they live in are obstructionists. Terrorist acts in regions and states committed by terrorists who live in those states and regions. People from other states and regions cannot destroy one's region or state. They are the terrorists who destroy their own regions and states. For example, they are those who eat the leather they sleep on. Such barbarous and wicked terrorists must be prevented from doing so with the power of the people. Members of the council are required to make people in regions and states they visit understand such issues. The education sector is important for perpetuation and development of a country. As making oneself not to be educated amounts to self-destruction and destruction of the country. There is no other act as wicked as destroying education. It is necessary to exert efforts to produce educated citizens. Intellectuals are needed for the development of the country. If there are many illiterates in the country, development of the country will be low. It is necessary to read books as well as acquire formal school education. During the performance of duties of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, I got the opportunity to enable personnel who are weak in education to read and write for six years from 2012 to 2018. If one does something actually, success must be achieved surely. It is necessary to make efforts to enable all people to read and to acquire higher formal education. Members of the council are required to encourage people in states and regions they visit to read books and to acquire education. The meeting came to a close with the concluding remarks.