Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets Mandalay Region cabinet members, region and district level departmental officials and discusses regional development
NAY PYI TAW August 25
Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met Mandalay Region cabinet members, region and district level departmental officials at the City Hall, Mandalay this afternoon and discussed regional development.
Also present were SAC Joint Secretary General Ye Win Oo, SAC members General Maung Maung Aye, Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, General Nyo Saw, union ministers U Min Naung, U Myo Thant, Mandalay Region Chief Minister U Myo Aung, Kachin State Chief Minister U Khet Htein Nan, Sagaing Region Chief Minister U Myat Kyaw, Magway Region Chief Minister U Tint Lwin, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander- in-Chief.
Chief ministers present regional facts and farming activities
First, the Mandalay Region chief minister, the Kachin State chief minister, the Sagaing Region chief minister, and the Magway Region chief minister reported on regional facts, regional farming activities, production, and distribution and future programs.
Systematic undertaking of region-wise farming businesses will ensure food sufficiency
As regards regional development, the Senior General said discussion will be centered on Mandalay Region development alongside the presentation of reports on business activities of Kachin State and Sagaing and Magway regions. Regions and states are making efforts for development of their areas, with food sufficiency as the core.
Sown acreage target should be met. Multiple-cropping must be conducted, and a 200 percent increase in sown acreage will double the production capacity.
As towns and villages in Mandalay Region are located on both banks of Ayeyawady River, the effective use of the natural watercourse will bring a lot of benefits. Sown acreage of multiple cropping in irrigated areas must be extended.
Crop yield can be increased through the application of correct seed, soil, water and technology. Success of agriculture in Mandalay, Sagaing and Magway regions and Kachin State will be greatly supportive of regional food sufficiency.
The country has to spend a lot of foreign exchange to import edible oil annually. Mandalay, Sagaing and Magway regions grow oil crops. As they are using the oil crop products as an export item and food rather than using them as raw material for milling oil, the three regions are also facing oil insufficiency.
High-yield methods should be applied in oil crop cultivation and the domestic oil demand can be met by milling the surplus sesame, sunflower and groundnut of the country into oil. The three regions should grow sunflower, which is a promising oil crop, as an additional crop. Sunflower can be cultivated with the help of river water pumping stations after the monsoon paddy harvesting season. Adequate production of basic food items will benefit the relevant localities. Hence the government is encouraging MSMEs.
Our country has historically had weak domestic production industries, leading to a higher volume of imported goods compared to exports. The increasing importation has created a significant demand for foreign currency. During our government’s tenure, we focused on exporting more agricultural products rather than just raw materials. Therefore, the chief ministers of regions and states are urged to work towards enhancing local production by at least 200 percent, and similarly, efforts should be made to improve livestock production in line with regional needs.
Improving educational standards
Regarding educational development, although school attendance rates have increased this academic year, only about 70 percent of school-age children nationwide are currently enrolled. There is a need to reopen schools that were closed for various reasons. Upon reopening, students should be provided with additional teaching to ensure they truly master their subjects. After completing middle school, students should be able to continue acquiring essential life skills. Those who pass the university entrance exams should be given opportunities to pursue higher education.
To facilitate this, it is important to promote the significance of education and carry out awareness and mobilization efforts. Today’s era is education, and thus the country must also continue to support educational initiatives.
Ensuring health and fitness and promoting sports
In terms of health, the government is facilitating the deployment of healthcare workers who have completed their studies to serve in the national healthcare sector. To ensure the nationwide implementation of healthcare services, the government is continuously appointing healthcare workers. In line with the policy that every hospital must have doctors, appointments are being made accordingly.
Regarding sports, it is emphasized that efforts should be made to develop sports activities across regions and states. It is necessary to promote physical fitness, mental well-being, and technical proficiency in sports. Additionally, preparations should be made for active participation in the upcoming National Sports Festival in a way that benefits each region and state.
Public security system involving public and free and fair elections
Concerning security, it is necessary for individuals in each region to act with a sense of security awareness. Regarding public security, measures should be taken to ensure safety in neighborhoods, streets, and villages. Establishing security systems at the local level will significantly contribute to regional security. In terms of public security operations, it is essential to conduct checks, rechecks, and counter-checks to ensure thorough monitoring.
Security measures have been disrupted in various ways, posing threats to different regions. Regarding the rule of law, broad and comprehensive efforts are required, and these must be executed with a focus on security. Security incidents have arisen due to political reasons, and the failure to address election fraud through political means has led to attempts to resolve issues through armed violence. The Tatmadaw is working to ensure that the country continues on a stable path of multi-party democracy, aligned with the nation’s needs. It is necessary to implement a democratic system that is compatible with the country, as is the practice in other nations. In political actions, there should be no room for tyranny or retaliation; instead, efforts must be made to maintain peace. During the previous election, there were instances of election fraud related to voter lists, including pre-election fraud. Evidence of such fraud was found, and it was discovered that these irregularities occurred not just in one constituency but across the entire country. Members of the NLD party, including central executive committee members and some chief ministers, were involved in these fraudulent activities. The NLD party led these actions, which included manipulating voter lists and engaging in pre-election fraud, among other tactics, representing a severe offense in the election process.
Measures will be taken to ensure that the forthcoming election will be a free and fair election. In the coming month of October, the population and household censuses will be conducted. When its results have been announced to the nation, the voting list will be compiled, and measures of holding the election will move onward. Preparations are being made to ensure that there are no errors in making voting lists, and heads of department and officials are to work together to ensure that there will be correctness when the voting is conducted.
The Tatmadaw will continue to be able to stand firmly on the path of multi-party democracy that the people want and to do what should be done to ensure that the country will restore its original situation. To do so, it is necessary to ensure that there are the people who truly understand the nation and nationality and to win the cooperation of the people.
Therefore, regarding public security, a security system must be implemented and exercised with the involvement of the people. If the people get involved in the public security system, there will be enhancement of stability and rule of law and the country’s goal - - a true and disciplined multi-party democratic system - - could be implemented.
After the meeting, the Senior General cordially greeted the attendees. Then, the Senior General viewed the mini cotton ginning which is a type test in manufacturing of Good Brothers’ Machinery Company Limited. An official briefed the Senior General on the machine.