Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets members of Shan State cabinet,state and district level departmental officials

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets members of Shan State cabinet,state and district level departmental officials

NAY PYI TAW September 3

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met members of Shan State cabinet, state and district level departmental officials at the city hall of Taunggyi this morning.

Also present together with the Senior General were SAC Joint Secretary General Ye Win Oo, SAC members Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, Porel Aung Thein, Khun San Lwin, union ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, Dr Thet Khaing Win, U Myo Thant, Shan State Chief Minister U Aung Aung, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Eastern Command commander and deputy ministers.

Regional facts egional facts and development activities presented

The chief minister reported on regional facts, ongoing farming activities and production capacity, development undertakings of breeding zones, MSME development, tourism development undertakings in Shan State, improvement of health sector, upgrading of gymnasiums, training grounds for healt and fitness of locals, holding of sports meets, existing libraries and extension programs, ongoing aid programs for temporarily displaced persons who left their homes due to terrorism in some areas, and upgrading of roads to further facilitate the transportation of the state.

Clarification of officials

As regards the reports, SAC member Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Yar Pyae explained the implementation of public security system based on the people, supervision of administrators at all levels to ensure that the implementation of people’s militia law do not cause burden for the public and is in accord with the law, public participation in law enforcement undertakings of the relevant areas to wipe out online gambling, online fraud and illicit drug trafficking, necessary preparations for success of population and housing census, Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung explained financial years-wise border areas development undertakings, development undertakings including construction of roads, bridges, buildings, water supply facilities and solar power stations in Shan State and selfadministered areas in it, assistance provided in rebuilding homes for the victims of terrorist arson attacks, opening of institutions of higher learning and training schools for human resources development, Union Minister for Health Dr Thet Khaing Win explained upgrading of hospitas and clinics to improve public health, availability of doctors and medicines in every hospital, nation-wide treatment campaigns for public health, Union Minister for Construction U Myo Thant explained financial year-wise upgrading of roads for transportation improvement of the state, repair and maintenance of roads and bridge destroyed by weather and erection of new bridges, deputy ministers for agriculture, livestock and irrigation explained application of innovative methods for deve[1]lopment of farming activities, manufacturing of value-added agro-goods, seminars to help solve the difficulties of farmers, availability of quality strains forfarming industry, and produc[1]tion of adequate amount of feed.

Clarified political developments and security issues in the country

After that, in his speech, the Senior General said his visit to Shan State is to discuss and coordinate regional development needs. Following the declaration of a political emergency under the 2008 constitution, the Tatmadaw assumed governmental responsibilities. A blend of military and civilian members was appointed to the State Administration Council to advance national interests and tackle pressing issues. During his tenure, the Senior General has adhered to legal protocols to manage the COVID-19 crisis and the incidents of violence caused by the incitement of those seeking political gain. The state and the Tatmadaw have responded with restraint to the actions of ethnic armed groups. Some of these groups have exploited the political expand their territories, causing local residents to flee and seek safety. Currently, these armed insurgents are using civilian infrastructure for protection and compelling displaced individuals to return as human shields. They are also engaging in forced recruitment.The Tatmadaw remains committed to protecting national sovereignty and will respond overeignty and appropriately based on available information and the actions of these insurgents. The Prime f these insurgents. Minister emphasized the importance of towns and village safety and security, urging a collaborative effort between the state and Tatmadaw to restore peace and stability as swiftly as possible.

Encouraging domestic ncouraging domestic  manufacturing activities is essential for the country’s economic prosperity

The Senior General continued by highlighting the interconnectedness of the economy and politics, noting that a strong economy often leads to a stable political environment. He pointed out that domestic manufacturing in the country has historically been weak, with a higher reliance on foreign imports compared to exports. This heavy import reliance has increased the demand for foreign currency. Previously, revenue from abroad primarily came from loans, grants, and foreign investments. To generate income, the government focused on extracting and selling domestic resources, as well as trade earnings. Under our administration, the emphasis has shifted from exporting natural resources to prioritizing agricultural products.

Our country spends substantial amounts of foreign currency annually on importing fuel oil and cooking oil. Despite being a producer of oil crops, including peanuts, sesame, and other varieties, we primarily export these crops and consume them directly as food products rather than processing them into oil. This practice increases our dependence on imported cooking oil. By enhancing domestic oil crop yields and processing them locally into cooking oil, we could reduce our reliance on imports and meet our regional cooking oil needs more effectively.

To boost agriculture-based products and exports, we need to adopt modern methods and practices from other countries. Our country benefits from wellirrigated land suitable for agricultural and livestock activities and is strategically positioned to export to markets with demand. To enhance agriculture and livestock, it is crucial for all departmental officials and citizens to collaborate. This collective effort will improve the economy and reduce commodity prices. We should focus on improving manufacturing by enhancing agricultural and livestock products, which will increase farmers’ incomes. Additionally, Shan State’s abundant trees and bamboo plants offer opportunities for manufactur[1]ing forest products based on wood and bamboo, and value[1]added products. While pursuing these opportunities, it is essential to manage deforestation responsibly. There are also prospects for mining and producing other minerals like coal and steel.

Education and healthcare ducation and healthcare sectors must be promoted

As it is necessary to make educated human resources abundant in the region to boost domestic production, education must be encouraged. Some schools, universities and colleges in Shan State were forced to close due to terrorist attacks. All school-aged children must complete at least KG+9. After completion of middle school level, students will be able to study vocational training for development of their lives. Measures must be taken to enable all students who have passed matriculation to study advanced education. As they are educated, they will be prosperous in the future, their ideologies and rationale will be developed. The government has been expanding libraries to enable those who were weak in formal education to acquire knowledge and to enhance reading skills. As education qualities contribute to development of the country, emphasis must be placed on education.

Moreover, future human resources that will lead the future of the country are required to be disciplined youths. In accordance with the motto “ national discipline start from schools”, students are those who come under the teachings of their teachers. As those who have completed their classes in their younger lives can lead proper lives, they are able to become intellectuals. The fundamental of the law is disciplines and measures must be taken to educate and supervise them to study the constitution. In building the union based on multi-party democracy system, it is necessary to shape the disciplined society and everyone must abide by the law. Therefore, students are taught law in universities. It is necessary to teach fundamental concepts of laws must be taught to students in KG+ 11 and KG+12 students. Doing so will contribute a lot to the country.

In connection with the health sector, hospitals are being up[1]graded. In accordance with the policy that every hospital must have doctors, measures are being taken to appoint medical doctors in hospitals. Efforts are being made to provide medical equipment to hospitals. As one can work or study only when one is healthy, care should be taken for the health sector. In connection with the health sector, respective regions and state must exert efforts.

Public Security

In connection with public security, the public security system must be implemented in cooperation with those who want to contribute to the interests of regions, the police and administrative bodies. By implementing information systems at different levels, stabilit of wards and villages can be achieved. If individuals and relevant security authorities cooperate based on security awareness, this will contribute a lot to public security. This amounted to serving the interests of the country. Government employees are required to perform their duties in accordance with codes of conducts and disciplines. Members of the Shan State Government, state- and district-levels officials are urged to exert efforts as much as possible in areas they are assigned duties for development of the country. After the meeting, the Senior General and party cordially greeted members of the Shan State Government and state- and district-levels officials.

The Senior General he Senior General pays obeisance to ays obeisance to Shwe Phone Pwint Pagoda

Then, the Senior General and party paid obeisance to the Shwe Phone Pwint pagoda, which is a landmark of Taunggyi and they were greeted by members of the Pagoda board of trustees. Afterward, the Senior General and party offered flowers, water and lights to the Pagoda and walked around it clockwise.

Then, the Senior General and party enjoyed the landscape of the town from the view point on the pagoda and gave instructions on renovation of the pagoda natural resources in the town.

Afterward, the Senior General presented cash donations for allround renovation of the pagoda to members of the pagoda board of trustees.