Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets members of Kayah State cabinet, state level departmental officials, local elders and local people and discusses regional development

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets members of Kayah State cabinet, state level departmental officials, local elders and local people and discusses regional development

NAY PYI TAW September 4

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min  Aung Hlaing met members of Kayah State cabinet, state level departmental officials, local elders and local people at Kayah State government office this afternoon and discussed regional development.

Also present together with the Senior General were SAC Joint Secretary General Ye Win Oo, SAC members Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, Porel Aung Thein, Khun  San Lwin, union ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, Dr Thet Khaing Win, U Myo Thant, Kayah State Chief Minister U Zaw Myo Tin,  senior military officers  from the Office of the Commander-in- Chief, the Eastern Command commander and deputy ministers.

Regional facts and development activities presented

The chief minister reported on regional facts, return of temporarily displayed  persons back to their homes in Loikaw, mine clearing in the residential wards, ongoing farming activities, perennial crop cultivation, rice and cooking sufficiency in the area, efforts to increase crop yield, loans disbursed from national economic development fund, resumption of Loikaw industrial zone, distribution of chemical fertilizers and seeding machines at reasonable prices, local production industries, upgrading of health sector, reopening of basic education schools and institutions of higher learning in Loikaw, rehabilitation activities, priority repair programs for government buildings, drinking water supply, repair of damaged sub-power stations, renovation of Loikaw airport, resumption of passenger buses and cargo trucks, ongoing repair programs for communication towers and mobile communication towers, aid programs for temporarily displaced persons and departmental personnel, security operations, new Thiri Mingala market project, ongoing Loikaw modernization programs, and holding of sports meets and fun fairs.

As regards the report, Union Minister for Health Dr Thet Khaing Win explained the work of replacing the treatment-aids and machines destroyed by terrorist attacks with the new ones.

Acts to destroy the interest of locals is a terrible crime

In his address, the Senior General said towns and villages including Loikaw faced destruction caused by the attacks of KNDF and PDF terrorists not long ago. It was a hideous attack of armed terrorists residing in Kayah State. Locals are the person who develop their own region, and they also can be the persons who hindered regional development and destroy peace and stability. It showed that they are politically immature.

So, people should prevent the existence of such local armed terrorists that are destroying peace, stability of the area and security of the locals as a  means to stop terrorist acts. Terrorist insurgents were taking cover in the homes of locals in towns and villages in launching attacks.

As they were using the people as their shield in the towns and villages they had seized, anti-terrorist campaigns will gain extra momentum if people have the awareness to stay away from them.

Upgrading the health and education sectors

The whole region will achieve progress if there is area-wise development in  education field. The country faced weakness in the education sector, and the government is exerting efforts for its development. In accord with the motto “national discipline begins at schools” teachings of teachers at the classrooms will be beneficial for the children throughout the whole life. Increase in the number of educated persons in a place will benefit the lives of people and the place itself.

Hence, collective efforts are required to improve the education standard of Kayah State. So, arrangements will be made to reopen schools in Loikaw and students to attend classes. Likewise programs to open universities are also underway to enable students pursuing education in other places to attend classes at their own region. All should participate in ensuring enrolment for school age children. Arrangements should be made for those who have passed the school age to learn at town/village-wise libraries. In this way, knowledge can be dissemination on an extensive way.

Regarding health promotion, the Tatmadaw has initiated public health care promotion activities in the Loikaw region. During this period, the Senior General said he personally visited and discussed issues related to education, health, and regional development. The state continues to carry out activities to enhance the health sector of the public. Citizens are encouraged to maintain a lifestyle aligned with health and avoid behaviors and consumption habits that could harm their health. By doing so, each individual’s socio-economic life will improve; healthy individuals can work, and healthy individuals can learn. Therefore, it is hoped that health awareness will lead to beneficial actions.

Rehabilitation efforts involve the joint participation of local residents

Restoration work will be carried out on the roads, bridges, and  communication infrastructure in the Loikaw region that were damaged due to the destructive activities of insurgents. The government prioritizes issues  of public concern. Just as the government is constructing, local citizens are also expected to protect and manage their region with their own knowledge and spirit. Reports indicate that insurgents have looted and destroyed items in the state’s cultural museum. Lessons must be learned from these  situations to restore normalcy. Rehabilitation efforts require not only the government but also the collective cooperation of local people. Government staff who are involved in these rehabilitation efforts are commended for their dedication to living and fulfilling their duties in theregion.

Preparations are underway to conduct a free and fair multiparty democratic general election again. These preparatory activities include conducting a population census in October. In Kayah State, efforts should be made to successfully conduct the census, and during the preparatory period before the election,  candidates are required to carry out campaigning activities.

To enable these activities, peace and stability in the region must be ensured.

Afterwards, the Senior General presented food and relief supplies to members of the Kayah State government, state-level officials, security forces, and displaced people. The State Chief Minister and officials received these supplies.

Following the meeting, the Senior General cordially greeted the Kayah State government members, state-level officials, local elders, and local people.

Rehabilitation tasks inspected

Then, the Senior General and party traveled by vehicles around Loikaw town to inspect the restoration of homes, roads, and bridges that were damaged by insurgents. They observed that citizens were living and moving peacefully in their daily lives.

Later, they visited the new construction site of the advanced Thiri Mingala Market in Loikaw, which had been damaged by insurgent activities. In a briefing room, the Kayah State Chief Minister and a responsible officer clarified the status of rebuilding the new market. The Senior General directed that the market, being the capital’s central market, should be designed and constructed as a modern market with proper shops, parking spaces, water supply, and waste disposal systems.

Obeisance paid to the historic Myo Nam Shwe Pagoda

Then, they proceeded to the historic and revered Myo Nam Shwe Pagoda in Loikaw, where they paid homage to the Buddha image inside the pagoda and offered flowers, water, and oil lamps. The Senior General signed the guestbook and donated funds for the comprehensive renovation of the pagoda, which were received by responsible officials from the pagoda board of trustees.

Finally, the Senior General circumambulated the pagoda in a clockwise direction to pay homage and struck the bell in reverence.