SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses the SAC meeting

SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses the SAC meeting

NAY PYI TAW November 19

Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior  General Min Aung Hlaing delivered an address at the meeting of the State Administration Council at the meeting hall of the SAC Chairman Office in  Nay Pyi Taw this morning.

The meeting was also attended by SAC Vice Chairman Deputy Prime  Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Secretary General Aung Lin Dwe,  Joint Secretary General Ye Win Oo and council members and officials.

A goodwill visit to China and results of successful discussions First, the Senior General delivered a speech. He said: Recently, he led the Myanmar high-level delegation to pay a visit to China. During the visit, he attended the summits held in Kunming, held a meeting with Premier H.E. Mr. Li  Qiang of the People’s Republic of China, held talks with Politburo member of the Communist Party of China Secretary of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee Mr. Yuan Jiajun and Central Committee member of CPC Secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee H.E. Mr. Wang Ning and held meetings with prime ministers from the countries attending the summits, toured significant venues in Kunming Chongqing and Shenzhen  cities and visited  factories and universities to discuss relevant sectors. In  this regard, the delegation could bring results of economic discussions  beneficial for the socio-economic development of the country. It was a successful trip beneficial for the State due to holding discussions on  further promotion of friendly relations and economic and various sectors between governments and people from two countries.

While holding talks with Prime Ministers from the countries attending the GMS summit separately, the Senior General explained progress of  Myanmar, undertakings of the country, bilateral cooperations with  relevant countries, and support of friendly countries toMyanmar in the international landscape.

It was noted that Premier H.E. Mr. Li Qiang of the People’s Republic of China held a specific meeting with the Myanmar Prime Minister among other prime ministers bound for the GMS summit. At the meeting, the  Senior General explained progress of Myanmar widely.

At the meeting, important discussions of the Chinese Premier were: China  always supports for endeavours of Myanmar government in internal peace processes. China actively supports for implementation of the Five-Point Roadmap of the State Administration Council as well as encourage more  efforts of Myanmar to initiate political stability of the country and political reform process. China reaffirmed sovereignty of Myanmar and its territory. China encourages the Myanmar government to manage China-Myanmar border trade gates. China wishes harmonized development of Myanmar  through mutual cooperation. These talks are the clear standing of China for Myanmar’s sovereignty and endeavours of Myanmar government.

At the meeting, the Chinese Premier pledged to provide necessary aid for the election and enumeration of population and household census process.

The Senior General recounted that he held meetings with Politburo  member of the Communist Party of China Secretary of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee Mr. Yuan Jiajun and Central Committee member of CPC Secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee H.E. Mr. Wang Ning. They also pledged to fully cooperate with Myanmar for development, peace and stability. These meetings brought positive meeting results. It can be seen that their talks specifically emphasized Myanmar affairs.

At the separate meetings with Prime Ministers from four Southeast Asian countries attending the GMS summit, the Senior General continued that he explained serving the State responsibilities by the State Administration Council in accord with the Constitution (2008) due to voting frauds in the 2020 multi-party democratic general election, preparations to hold a free and fair multi-party democratic general election and plans to invite international observation teams to analyze the election as a transparent election. Those Prime Ministers held discussions supporting the Myanmar. The trip to China is successful as the Senior General could discuss promotion of China-Myanmar economic cooperation and sending more scholarship students to China for ensuring development of human resources.

Uphold and implement the commitments outlined in the NCA Our State Administration Council is fully committed to implementing the Five-Point Roadmap, prioritizing security and stability. The Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) is a historic accord signed by the government, parliament, Tatmadaw, political parties, organizations, ethnic representatives, and ethnic armed organizations, with international and domestic witnesses. We are doing our utmost to uphold the commitments outlined in the NCA, and further discussions with the Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) and political parties are underway for future parliamentary sessions.

Prepare for free and fair elections To ensure free and fair elections, we are actively undertaking preparatory work, including a nationwide census, which is already over 63 percent complete.

We are also working to finalize the voter registration process by the end  of this year.

Political parties have been granted permits to register, and we encourage greater participation of ethnic representatives in the political arena. To facilitate this, we are implementing a proportional representation system in state and regional parliaments as well as the national parliament.

The 2020 general election was marred by widespread electoral fraud, unlike previous elections where such incidents were limited to a few constituencies.

In 2020, the perpetrators systematically rigged the elections across entire regions, as evidenced by the disproportionately high number of irregularities in Bago Region. Similar irregularities were found in other  regions and states. The scale of the fraud was so extensive that it warrants severe legal action against the offending party, particularly the National League for Democracy (NLD). The perpetrators, including central executive committee members of the NLD, acted as a group and not as individuals. To prevent such occurrences in the future, we must ensure the accuracy of voter lists.

Council members will be assigned responsibilities to verify voter data. The upcoming election will utilize the Myanmar Electronic Voting  achine system, a proven method for ensuring electoral integrity, as  demonstrated by its successful use in neighboring India. For security reasons, the election process will be divided into phases.

Rehabilitation tasks carried out in natural disasters-affected regions Due to the heavy rainfall associated with typhoon Yagi that hit in September,  nine states and regions experienced severe flooding, causing the worst flood-related damage in our nation's history. We have provided necessary assistance and support to those affected by this natural disaster.

National development efforts being delayed due to acts of terrorism Unlike natural disasters, human actions have led to significant damage to our nation's infrastructure, including roads, bridges, schools, and buildings.

Terrorists have recklessly destroyed essential infrastructure that supports our country's development. The need to rebuild what has been destroyed has hindered our nation's progress.

The funds that should be allocated for development are now being  diverted to reconstruction efforts, causing significant harm to our country.

Such acts of violence are fueled by external influences, a lack of education,  and a deficiency in critical thinking. We have observed that areas with  lower levels of education tend to experience higher rates of violence and crime. Therefore, to build a developed, stable, and peaceful nation in the  future, we are prioritizing education. With education, individuals acquire knowledge and skills and develop the ability to think critically.

Agricultural firms are being encouraged for economic development of the country It is necessary for us to exert efforts for the development of the country and improving the economy. Therefore, it is important to carry out development tasks for agriculture and livestock breeding firms. For the development of agriculture, emphasis must be placed on meeting targeted yields, improving the capabilities of growing crops multiple times and the expansion of acreage.

In order to supply agricultural water, rivers and creeks must be used  beneficially As water is indispensable for agriculture, measures must be taken for availability of water resources. Members of the SAC are required to find out ways and means to do so in areas they visit. Rain water,  irrigation water, pumped river water and underground water are utilized in agriculture. It is still necessary to build more dams for irrigation water. If the Ayeyarwady and Chindwin rivers are properly conserved, an  abundant supply of agricultural water will be made available. There are long stretches of farmland along the banks of the rivers. Steps must be  taken to improve river systems. Agricultural water can be supplied by  building low head dams at important sites along rivers. Through  improvement of river systems, electricity can be generated. It is necessary

to utilize river systems beneficially for electricity and agricultural water needed by the country. In low rainfall zones, agricultural water can be supplied by implementing solar river-water pumping projects.

Tasks must be carried out to utilize water resources properly and  beneficially. In connection with water, lush and green environment must be created.

It is also necessary to establish 3-mile perimeter green zones around  urban areas. Measures must be taken to plant trees in residential  compounds, along both sides of roads. Green zones must be established during the term of the SAC. As the dry season is approaching, steps must be taken for continuous growth of trees, which have been planted.

Industrial manufacturing must be encouraged in operating MSMEs In operating MSMEs for the development of manufacturing, it was found that  about 50 percent of them are foodstuff industries.

Industrial manufacturing must also be encouraged.

It doesn't necessarily mean that heavy industries must be established because industrial manufacturing can be carried out with a few machines. Textile industries, production of electronic devices and iron and steel industries must also be supported. By doing so, the domestic demand can be fulfilled.

Regional human resources development can be sustained by creating job  opportunities and taking measures for economic development in respective regions and states. Members of the SAC are required to exert efforts for and encourage development of MSMEs in regions and states  under their supervision.

Members of SAC discuss relevant matters Then, members of the SAC reported to the Senior General on the desire of temporary IDPs to return  to their areas as Loikaw region has been stable and peaceful, the need to  cooperate between the government and the entire national people in shaping the better future for the country, field trips to respective areas to engage with local residents and farmers to hear their reports and fulfill  their needs, clarifications on future tasks of the country, the need for armed terrorists to find solutions on the political path by abandoning the armed struggle, which is detrimental to the interests of the country and regions and continued rehabilitation tasks for victims in areas hit by natural disasters after the government helped overcome their food shortages.

Afterward, the Senior General made concluding remarks, saying in connection with stability and peace it is its own residents who create conflicts in a country or in a region while some are instigated by those  who are allergic to stability and peace.

Similarly, it is its own residents who bring development and stability to a region. Therefore, members of the SAC are urged to take preventive measures to reduce the acts of terrorism by armed groups, who are  destroying regional stability and safety of residents in cooperation with local people.

In the five-point roadmap, the last point is to hold a free and fair multi-party general election in accordance with the 2008 constitution and to  take measures to hand over the state power to the winning party in line with democratic norms.

The SAC has been exerting its utmost efforts to hold the election and must be able to materialize a reputable election and a reputable Hluttaw.