Books and publications donated to libraries of entire nation, that of military headquarters, regiments and units SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivers speech and donates books
Nay Pyi Taw April 3
A ceremony to donate books and publications to libraries across the nation and military headquarters, regiments and units took place at the National Library in Nay Pyi Taw this morning, attended by Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla.
Also present at the ceremony were Council Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo and wife, Council members General Mya Tun Oo and wife, Admiral Tin Aung San and wife, Dr Hmu Htan, Dr Ba Shwe and U Yan Kyaw, the Union Election Commission Chairman, Union ministers, the Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Com mand, deputy ministers, the chairman of Myanmar Press Council and party, the patron of Myanmar Libraries Foundation and party, departmental officials, teachers and students.
First, the Prime Minister and wife and party watched a video clip “general literature genres shall flourish”.
In his speech, the Senior General said that he viewed round books published by the Ministry of Information in successive eras displated at the national literatary award and Sarpay Beikman manuscript award presentation ceremony of the Ministry of Information as well as national-level ceremonies and youth and literature fine arts festival. Among these books, he has given guidance to reprint the deserved books for the public and youth observation at opportune time to accummulate general knowledge.
Volumes of Luhtu Theikpan (Public Science Treatise) are involved in these books, and these treatises will be donated by his family to the Myanmar Libraries Foundation. Nine treatises of Public Science Treatises were published by Myanmar Society of Translation (Sarpay Beikman) from 1955 to 1958 for the first time. The treatises feature topics on the Universe, the planet Earth, life of human, trees, animals, elements, energy, industries and society conducted in research for development of knowledge of the people. These books are appropriate for the youths at present. In accord with his guidance, the Ministry of Information started printing these books for the second time.
At present, the Ministry of Information has published Volume 1, 2 and 3 of the Public Science Treatises with a plan to continue publishing more volumes. These books are suitable for today’s youths to accumulate knowledge. Hence, the Senior General recounted his wishes to donate these books to libraries across the nation and libraries of military headquarters and regiments and units-1,500 copies of each volumes as 3,000 copies to libraries in the entire nation and 1,500 copies to libraries of military headquarters and regiments and units. Likewise, the Ministry of Information will donated 5,500 copies of fiction and non-fiction books. Upon completion of printing, Public Science Treatise Volume 4 and 5 will be donated.
If a copies of literary works has not been read whenever it had been pubished for many years, it is a new one. Although this donated books are more than 60 years old, there are many topics today’s youth will not know. The Senior General admitted he does not know some topics in the books. If one person reads the books a month, number of readers will amount to 54,000 in a year. Although the books can bear values, knowledge obtained from the books is counteless.
The Senior General explained his wife and himself are members of the Sarpay Beikman book club. Till today, they have renewed membership of the clubs, they receive books sent by Sarpay Beikman monthly and read them. They buy some deserved books from other literary houses. Amid busies, the Senior General recounted he tries hard to read daily.
Everybody knows the government promotes the education sector for having overall development. A free eduation is initiated in the basic education school for all school-age children to learn education. As Youths are future of the State, and education is future of the nation as well. Hence, individuals have to strive for creation of learnig opportunities for all children, mitigating number of untimely dropout of students and increasing qualitification of students in changing up of new grades.
Learning education can be defined as nurturing the human resources essential for the future of the State. There are three million of graduates among 56 million population of the nation. Moreover, 70 percent of 25.17 million population above 25 years old have finished middle school education and 13 percent of population across the nation are degree and diploma holders in technological and vocational courses, according to the statistics. Most of the students drop out the schools whenever they finish primary school education. It is a concern for the nation. Hence, the KG+9 scheme is being implemented at basic education level.
In his tenure, the Senior General disclosed that arrangements are being made to create chances for students who untimely droped out the school after passing the basic education middle education for learning industrial, agriculture and livestock subjects at the high school education. These schools were opened at 51 basic education high schools in 50 districts in 2023-24 academic year. Moreover, 34 more schools will be opened for students in 2024-25 academic year.
The Senior General recounted that he have noted a speech for reading. It mentions that those who do not read is like sitting. The liteates who do not read are like standing. The literates reading books are like walking. So, it is necessary to uge all to read. Individuals need to encourage all the people including youths to read and create the environments for reading.
In order to enhance capacity, it is necessary to improve the role of library and flourish the litrary culture. As 70 percent of the people are reading in the rural area, it is necessary to rely on libraries for enable rural people to have reading access.
At present, the Ministry of Information operates 410 libraries at district and township levels. These libraries are being functiond with the assistance of the government. Moreover, relevant organizatiuons, individuals and people run more than 3,500 libraries. These libraries are being operated regularly with the library buildings, books and publications, borrowers, funds, library committees and librarians. A large number of libraries halted operations in the past for various reasons.
The government needs to resume operation of the halted libraries as usual. In so doing, Not only the government along but local authorities, residents and NGOs have to join in the work process of resumption of these libraries.
It is true that the world today has so developed that it has been referred to as the global village. Despite high material development, it is more likely for humans to encounter disadvantages rather than advantages if the mindsets of humans who have to handle the materials have not developed and are not correct and strong. As the mind has taken a lead in everything, a beneficial environment can be created when humans are instilled with wisdom.
Officials, parents and teachers are urged to make concerted efforts to write good pieces of literature that serve the interests of the country and the people, to republish good old books which can provide knowledge to readers, to launch awarenessraising campaigns to encourage everyone who can read to read books, to nurture youths who are instilled not only with knowledge and skills but also with thinking skills, wisdom and five strengths and to cooperate for sustainability and development of school and village libraries.
Then, the Senior General and wife presented 3,500 fiction and non-fiction books donated to the Myanmar Libraries Foundation by the government and 3,000 copies of Science for the Public volume 1, 2 and 3 donated by the Senior General and wife to Patron U Kyaw San and Chairman U Nyunt Swe of the foundation.
Afterward, the Senior General and wife presented 2,000 fiction and non-fiction books donated to libraries in command headquarters, battalions and units by the government and 1,500 copies of Science for the Public volume 1, 2 and 3 to Adjutant General Lt-Gen Soe Min Oo.
Then, Patron U Kyaw San of the foundation reported to the Senior General on establishment of libraries and Chairman U Nyunt Swe spoke words of thanks to the Senior General for donation of books.
Afterward, the Senior General and wife and participants posed for documentary photographs.
After the ceremony, the Senior General and wife and participants viewed the books, journals and documentary photographs on display attentively.