Passing out Parade of Thiha Company of 127th Intake of Officers Training Course of Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School (Bahtoo) held
Nay Pyi Taw April 3
Passing out Parade of the Thiha Company of the 127th Intake of Officers Training Course of Defence Services (Army) Officers Training School (Bahtoo) was held at the parade ground of the OTS in Fort Bahtoo this morning. On behalf of Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing, Vice Chairman of State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Thiri Pyanchi Maha Thray Sithu Soe Win delivered an address at the ceremony.
Also present on the occasion were Daw Than Than Nwe, wife of the Vice-Senior General, Shan State Chief Minister Zeya Kyawhtin U Aung Aung and wife, senior military officers from the Office of the Commanderin-Chief, the commander of Eastern Command and wife, senior military officers of the Bahtoo Station and wives, cadets and their parents and relatives, instructors and teachers of OTS, and invited guests.
At the ceremony, the Vice-Senior General took the salute of the cadet companies, and then inspected the cadet companies. The cadet companies saluted the Vice-Senior General in slow march-past and quick march-past.
Afterwards, Vice-Senior General Thiri Pyanchi Maha Thray Sithu Soe Win presented a silver sword to Cadet No. 31 Cadet Paing Hein Thu from the 127th Intake who won the Best Cadet Award.
In his address, the Vice-Senior General said Tatmadaw was set up during the independence struggle. It is a Union Tatmadaw formed with various national races and always keep in fore Our Three Main National Causes. From the time Tatmadaw was established as Burma Independence Army on 27 December 1941, it passed throughout the different periods with fine historical traditions till now. Tatmadaw celebrated its 79th anniversary on 27 March this year.
During the post-independence period, the successive governments ruled the country under various political systems. History bears witness to the fact that whenever the country faced political instability, alien intrusion and internal armed insurgency in 1958, 1962, 1988 and 2021, the Tatmadaw stood by the national people for perpetuation of State sovereignty and safety of people’s lives.
Tatmadaw’s main duty is national defence. Leaders are very important in shouldering the duty. Hence, a platoon commander must have leadership skills. Soldiers have to sacrifice lives, blood and sweat in a battle, so, the role and qualifications of a leader is of vital importance for battle victory. Morale and management of the leaders are the main decisive factor of a battle. Good leadership ensures oneness of the troops and unity of the whole unit brings brilliant combat prowess.
A true leader wins the trust, reliance and affection of subordinates by living as a model. All who are going to serve as junior leaders from this day must be imbued with 16 leadership traits. A leader must provide correct leadership for troops and their families. He will gain success only if he commands the unit with parental spirit, leadership spirit and discipline. He must be straightforward, unbiased and free from corruption in controlling and administering the subordinates.
Persons who join the Tatmadaw of their own volition with national defence as the basic concept must further strengthen their original morale. Additionally, a leader must train and manage his troops to have combat ability and combat power. Soldiers must be skilled in military techniques according to their ranks to have the combat ability and qualifications. Moreover, they must be constantly trained to have the five basic qualifications morale, discipline, loyalty, unity and ability. They must also observe the Tatmadaw’s 12 fine traditions and enhance the three capabilities. Patriotism is the core of the 12 fine traditions. patriots can easily maintain the traditions good discipline, loyalty, unity, capability, spirit to sacrifice, selflessness, high morale, courage to overcome hardships, endurance, perseverance, diligence, industrious, willingness to place Our Three Main National Causes in the fore. Hence leaders must observe the fine traditions and organize the subordinate to do the same.
Cadets have learned military strategies, leadership, staff, adjutant and quartermaster, battle engineering, computer and other subjects theoretically and practically at the course. In the present IT era, military tactics go beyond the scope of conventional tactics. Hence they must continue their studies. They must combine their theories taught at the course with their knowledge and experience, and learn the experience of the seasoned officers to overcome hardships of the practical field.
To have combat ability and qualifications, soldiers must undergo constant training, and have constant military awareness and constant battle readiness. Basically, training has two parts individual training and group training. The 36 week course of OTS has provided both training. In accordance with the motto “from quantity to quality” of the policy of training, regular training is required for enhancing the qualification of the entire Tatmadaw. In accord with the training motto -- training ensures skill, skill ensures confidence, confidence produces courage and courage brings victory leaders must provide constant training for their platoons and units. As they are soldiers, they must be fit and healthy to serve duties at any time and place.
As discipline is Tatmadaw’s backbone, leaders must know and abide by all the dos and don’ts and should organize other ranks to do the same. A disciplined person is an obedient person. Moreover, he will have good morale, he will be dutiful and he will automatically observe the rules and orders.
As Myanmar citizens raised here, they are subject to both the country’s laws and the military’s code. During their service, they must also strictly adhere to international law of war and the Rules of Engagement (ROE). A well-disciplined military is essential for achieving its goals and sustaining itself. Therefore, it’s crucial to develop strong leaders who are disciplined and follow orders, and who can build their units into effective teams.
Effective leaders inspire talented followers. In military operations, clear and decisive leadership is paramount. To cultivate this leadership, we must learn from each other. Just as good followers can become strong leaders, we can all benefit by developing the qualities of a loyal and responsible member of the Tatmadaw.
Those who uphold the 4 oaths through daily recitation are called upon to embody their principles while serving the state and the Tatmadaw. This tradition of loyalty, observed by Tatmadaw members and their families throughout history, has demanded great sacrifice in service to the nation's political duties. The commitment to these oaths continues today.
Building a strong army requires focus on four key areas: training, administration, welfare, and morale. Effective training builds soldier strength, skill, and confidence, ensuring they can fulfill their duties. Balanced and fair administration streamlines logistics and reduces misconduct, strengthening the Tatmadaw's unity. Understanding human needs and providing for the well-being of Tatmadaw families fosters happiness and loyalty. Together, effective training, administration, and welfare programs contribute to high morale, the critical factor in any battle. A soldier's fighting spirit, courage, and perseverance are ultimately what tip the scales in war. These qualities, along with strong leadership, are the cornerstone of success in all four military sectors.
A strong leader embodies a positive spirit and unwavering commitment to following orders and regulations. Individual excellence through rigorous training translates to effective teamwork and combat readiness. To build and sustain high morale, leaders must set the example by consistently adhering to established schedules and routines, both for themselves and their subordinates. This foundation of effective training, administration, welfare, and strong morale is essential for building a formidable army.
Enhancing an army's fighting ability requires rigorous training at all levels, from individual to group. Soldiers must hone their individual combat skills, and then seamlessly integrate those skills into section, platoon, and company tactics. Through progressive training in military subjects and skills, Tatmadaw units will become proficient in fulfilling their national defence and security duties. Effective leaders understand the importance of inheriting and upholding the Tatmadaw's strong traditions.
They must not only excel in assigned duties, but also demonstrate strong moral character. While tactical cleverness is valuable, a lack of integrity will ultimately cause problems. Conversely, good character without skill limits potential. To become a capable and inspiring leader, a soldier must dedicate themself to continuous learning, practice, and adherence to regulations. National defence is a shared responsibility of all citizens, with the Tatmadaw playing a vital role.
To fulfill this role effectively, unwavering unity among all military personnel is crucial. By strictly adhering to the 60 Rules of Soldier's Con[1]duct, Tatmadaw members contribute to a well-organized and highly capable fighting force. Effective organization empowers subordinates by assigning tasks that align with their skills and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Be aware that certain foreign countries and terrorist organizations exploit media channels to undermine military morale. They aim to weaken the Tatmadaw's unity and fighting spirit by discrediting the commitment of service members and their families.
These efforts ultimately degrade combat effectiveness. We must stay vigilant and committed to our duty to defend the Tatmadaw's strength and unity. To foster the Tatmadaw's spirit of 'divided we fall, united we stand,' initiatives that improve the well-being of military personnel and their families are essential. Effective leadership and a balanced administrative system are cornerstones for solidifying the Tatmadaw's internal unity.
Beyond military service, Tatmadaw personnel are expected to uphold the ten codes of conduct when engaged in civilian tasks. They should also contribute to the development of the communities they serve. In times of natural disaster, they must provide prompt assistance and volunteer their services for educational, health, and social welfare initiatives.
Socio-economic development flourishes through collaboration between the Tatmadaw, the Myanmar Police Force, security organizations, militia forces, and war veteran organizations. Effective coordination is vital to ensure successful joint operations. Leaders and subordinates alike must maintain high ethical standards to avoid hindering these efforts. Transparency and accountability are paramount. When issues arise, a prompt investigation is essential, followed by appropriate actions in accordance with both military regulations and local laws. An open and collaborative approach is key to resolving problems effectively.
Looking at our country's geography, we are located between two countries with great manpower and economic power, the national defence strategy is being implemented as a militia strategy. To gain the trust and respect of the people, the Tatmadaw needs to be capable and strong. Militia strategies can be implemented only when the people and the Tatmadaw are united.
On the other hand, the Tatmadaw took responsibilities of the country in accordance with the 2008 constitution from February 1 due to vote fraud attempts to gain state power in the multiparty democratic general election held in 2020 and currently maintaining the five-point road map and nine objectives have been established and are being implemented. In order to achieve the above road map and objectives, security and stability in the country are essential, and from safety and stability, two political visions are to cement a disciplined, genuine multiparty democratic system and build a Union based on democracy and federalism whereas prosperity of the nation and food security must be implemented as two national visions. The ultimate goal, which is the completion of emergency provisions, will be the holding of a free and fair multi-party democratic general election and the handing over of national responsibility to the new government emerged from the election.
When the SAC inevitably started taking charge of the country, after the protests and violence in everywhere in the country was quickly contained by the security forces and public security groups, armed riots occurred in border areas and remote areas far from administration. Militia groups were formed according to the wishes of the local people according to the villages, wards and areas and the security forces along with the militia groups are still working to clear it up to this day.
The Conscription Law, which was enacted on November 4, 2010, during the previous State Peace and Development Council, which was in accordance with the law and was more orderly in the cooperation of militia members and security forces according to their regions, was approved and practiced from February 10, 2024 to protect the three main national causes and base on the geopolitical situation of our country and the numerous conflicts that are happening on the world political stage.
Similarly, the Reserve Forces Law was put into effect on February 13 in order to protect the three main national causes and depend on the number of requests to be allowed to return to service as it has become necessary for the veterans who have sacrificed their lives for the country and Tatmadaw.
These laws are not developed and enacted only in our country, but also in various countries of the world, including neighboring countries, according to the need and in accordance with the constitution. By following the law, rules and regulations in accordance with the Constitution, and complying with the requirements of the law and regulations, men and women will be good citizens, who take responsibilities for the country. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly study the Conscription Law and to organize and inform the families and relatives who are related to the eligible persons in the various regions where they are assigned. In doing so, despite the government also notified the public about the Conscription Law through newspapers, including state owned medias, broadcasts and radio programs, the public did not learn about the law and regulations for various reasons, and they have unlawfully followed the false propaganda of various terrorist organizations and armed terrorist organizations, their personal life and family life will be saved from the tragedy of being sacrificed in the forests and mountains, so I was encouraged everyone to talk and organize with knowledge to avoid it. In addition, it is needed to be helped to identify and take action in accordance with the law on some corrupt government employees and organizations who want to take advantage of money and other rights through illegal threats and coercion against those who do not understand the law and regulations of the Conscription Law and the by-law.
Our country became the colony of British on January 1, 1886 and from the time when the British colonialists ruled, it was found that the development of the highlands and the mainland was not the same and the British used dissension ways to govern Myanmar. The inconsistencies caused by the dissension remain as a legacy of history to today's young generation. Armed insurgencies in the ethnic areas could not be stopped and the development of the country was affected, leaving it behind the neighboring countries.
What should be done on the necessity of stability and peace for the development of the country, as already ordered, the National Unity and Peacemaking Central Committee and various work committees have been formed to achieve nationwide and lasting peace. To strengthen the unity of the ethnic armed organizations that have signed the agreement in order to achieve lasting peace for the whole country to live in peace and stability, the government is continuing to negotiate with the EAOs, whose views and concerns are correct from the beginning.
The Tatmadaw is always inviting transparent discussions for eternal peace, and the remaining groups to sign the NCA are also having the opportunity to legally request their wishes through the Hluttaw channel, including the NCA channel. Therefore, we want to encourage them to participate in their respective roles in the establishment of eternal peace.
The Vice-Senior General said it is always needed to work hard to follow 16 good leadership features and give the correct leadership to the subordinates to successfully complete the tasks given by the state and the army, to pass on the good traditions of the military and keep the four oaths as life itself, to live and work in accordance with the 60 codes of conducts of soldiers in order to be able to build a more compact and solid organization inside and outside of the Tatmadaw and to become the reliable leaders for the future Tatmadaw and the country in accordance with the slogan "military leader of the future".
Then, the Vice-Senior General Soe Win left the military parade ground after receiving the salute from the cadet divisions.
After the military parade, the Vice-Senior General Soe Win met with the cadets who won the outstanding award at the hall together with senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and the Commander of the Eastern Command and gave a congratulatory speech.