State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing sends a message to the ceremony to mark the 77th Anniversary of Independence Day 202


State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing sends a message to the ceremony to mark the 77th Anniversary of Independence Day 2025


Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,

On the auspicious occasion of the 77th Anniversary of Independence Day, which falls on 4 January, today, I extend my heartfelt greetings with best wishes to all ethnic peoples of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar for their mental and physical well-being, happiness, and fulfilment.

Myanmar has stood proudly as an independent nation for many centuries, with its own land, water, territory, crown, monarch, and heritage.

The people have long possessed their own language, literature, culture, art, and traditions with dignity.

All the national race groups of the Union have lived together harmoniously, sharing the same fortune through thick and thin.

Following three aggressive invasions by colonialists in 1824, 1852, and 1885, resource-rich Myanmar lost its independence and sovereignty.

The entire national race people of the Union, with a nationalistic spirit rooted in ethnic pride, united in solidarity to resist and overthrow colonialists and fascists. As a result, on 4 January 1948, Myanmar regained independence and was able to re-establish the country as a sovereign nation. On 4 January 2025, this achievement will mark its 77th anniversary.

Although Myanmar has emerged as a sovereign and independent nation in the world, the consequences of colonialist instigations continue to resonate to this day.

Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,

In Myanmar, to bring an end to the long-standing armed conflicts, resolve political issues through political means rather than military solutions, and establish long-term sustainable peace, the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) was signed on 15 October 2015. The agreement aimed to cease all armed hostilities across the country. Tatmadaw has repeatedly declared ceasefires, and the government has made numerous calls for peace dialogues. However, it has been observed that some Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) that signed the NCA have failed to comply with its commitments, breaching the terms of the agreement.

The conflicts and armed terror attacks occurring in Myanmar are primarily rooted in differing political attitudes, driven by a desire for separate self-rule and the pursuit of personal interests and gains.

In various regions, the terror attacks carried out by armed insurgents have led to the destruction of the lives, homes, and livelihoods of residents, causing widespread poverty and suffering.

It is important for every citizen to be aware that behind these terror actions, various forms of support are involved.

The groups engaged in armed struggle against the State have been urged to abandon the path of terror and resolve the political issue through peaceful means.

It has also been clearly declared that no solutions will be provided to demand of armed terrorism.

Therefore, it is strongly urged that, for the sake of “non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty, all armed conflicts and differing attitudes should be resolved under the law”.

Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,

National race people of Myanmar, when faced with important challenges, have united with a spirit of kinship, setting aside any regional or territorial divisions, and with a shared sense of brotherhood and the spirit of the Union,

they were able to achieve independence.

The spirit of the Union, which was the foundation of past efforts for independence, is also the cornerstone for safeguarding the future democratic nation.

The current global situation is becoming increasingly complex and difficult, and it can only be faced through the unity and solidarity of the people.

There is a proverb, "When the cow breaks loose, the tiger pulls it back." In Myanmar,

where diverse ethnic groups coexist, the country faces armed terror attacks, action intended to instil fear in the villages, and misconduct by military forces.

These actions undermine the rule of law, cause the government machinery to collapse, and weaken the nation, which could ultimately threaten national independence and sovereignty.

To ensure the continued stability and longevity of Myanmar, it is crucial for all national race groups to unite.

The entire people have to support Myanma Tatmadaw and patriotic citizens, who have sacrificed life, blood and sweat over generations to achieve success in justice clashes.

As safeguarding the nation's independence and sovereignty is the inborn responsibility of all citizens, I strongly urge all citizens to unite and, with the spirit of the Union, collectively safeguard and protect the nation.

Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,

The ultimate goal of the State Administration Council is to successfully hold a free, fair, and multi-party democratic general election.

The nationwide population and housing census was conducted from 1 to 15 October 2024.

Efforts are underway to compile an accurate and verified population list to be

submitted to the Union Election Commission to facilitate the preparation of voter lists for eligible voters. I firmly pledge to ensure that the general election will be systematic, fair, and dignified, and to transfer state responsibilities to the government formed as a result of the election.

I urge all citizens to participate in the effort to ensure the emergence of a genuine and disciplined democratic system by holding fair, dignified, and procedurally correct general elections.

Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,

It is necessary to march onwards without halting despite experiencing difficulties and crises in undertaking development of a country or a region. The State Administration Council operates with the belief that politics is inherently tied to the economy. Through ensuring the well-being of the people in terms of livelihood and sustenance, the aim is to elevate living standards and achieve national development as a primary objective.

To ensure national economic prosperity, efforts are being made to prioritize and enhance agricultural and livestock-based productivity. By advancing agriculture and livestock sectors, production and industrial activities can operate more efficiently, which, in turn, will drive the growth of service industries.

This process is expected to contribute to an increase in the country's GDP and improve the livelihoods of approximately 50 percent of the population. Moreover, support is being provided to develop MSME (Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises) businesses to ensure sufficient domestic production of foodstuffs and consumer goods.

The foundation of a nation's development lies in the abundance of educated and skilled individuals. As such, to nurture a human resource equipped with knowledge and technology, an education system is being implemented to ensure that everyone completes at least KG+9 (kindergarten through grade 9) as a compulsory education system.

Upon successfully completing KG+9, students can proceed to attend high schools specializing in basic education, agricultural development, or industrial studies.

Those who meet the required qualifications will then have the opportunity to further study at relevant universities or colleges.

As the saying goes, "Strength of the nation lies within”, efforts will be made to build and enhance the three pillars of strength: domestic economy, national political stability, and internal defence capability. Therefore, I urge all citizens

to work collectively for the balanced and harmonious development of the entire Union in all aspects.

Esteemed ethnic national brethren of the Union,

In line with the motto of the State Administration Council, "Keep Moving Forward to Achieve Our Goal", efforts will be made to prioritize the nation's interests and the well-being of all ethnic people, striving to build a better nation and socio-economic life.

The State Administration Council has adopted and is implementing four political objectives based on Our Three Main National Causes – non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty as fundamental principles by upholding the Constitution.

In moving forward, enhancing the nation's economy serves as the best driving force. By supporting the development of the country's production industries, it is possible to contribute to both the advancement of the national economy and the improvement of the socio-economic lives of the entire population.

Tatmadaw originated from the people and will exert its utmost efforts to defend the nation.

The unity between Tatmadaw and the people serves as a fundamental pillar for national defence.

All Myanmar citizens, with the spirit of being Myanmar and the mindset of "We are Myanmar”, through the national spirit, must work together with determination to realize peace, stability, and development of the State.

The State Administration Council emphasizes implementation of the two national visions of prosperity and food security of the nation.

The peace and stability of a country are directly related to the matters of peace and security, just as peace and stability are directly connected to development and progress. Hence, peace and stability, as well as development and progress, are being pursued simultaneously.

The agricultural production for food security, the sown acreage expansion of oil crops, and the increase in cotton yields are being actively implemented.

In order to improve the income of each farmer, agricultural and livestock projects are being expanded and implemented with the State economic promotion fund.

To enjoy welfare facilities, uniform expenses and house rents, as well as additional allowance have been provided for civil servants.

Moreover, housing for staff has been expanded to ensure convenient living conditions.

Teachers are being granted monthly incentives based on their qualifications, and stipends for students are being increased.

To preserve the national identity and foster a strong sense of patriotism, traditional Myanmar cultural performing arts competitions are being revived. At the same time, efforts are being made to promote the development of libraries across the country. In order to ensure health, fitness and education promotion, the policy "Every hospital must have a doctor" has been adopted and is being implemented. Moreover, the National Sports Festival was successfully held in December 2024, contributing to the cultivation of well-rounded and capable students who possess both physical and mental strength.

As such, I deeply urge the people to move forward in unity with the State Administration Council under the motto, "Keep Moving Forward to Achieve Our Goal" and to strive in unity with determination, perseverance, and courage to strengthen the political, economic, defence, and national character while fostering a strong sense of national spirit through diligence, industriousness and perseverance.

I would like to convey a message urging all Union-born national brethren to strongly implement the five National Objectives of the 77th Anniversary of Independence Day 2025 with unity and solidarity.