State flag hoisting, saluting ceremony of 77th Anniversary Independence Day held
NAY PYI TAW January 4
A ceremony to hoist and salute the state flag for the 77th Anniversary Independence Day (2025) was held at the square in front of the city hall in Nay Pyi Taw this morning.
The ceremony was held in accordance with the objectives of the 77th Anniversary Independence Day: (1) to address armed conflicts and differing perspective lawfully, ensuring non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty, (2) to safeguard the State with unity and strength of all citizens, guided by the spirit of the Union, (3) to conduct a free, fair and credible general election to establish a genuine, disciplined democratic system, (4) to promote balanced development across all sectors of the Union through “the collective strength” of the entire people and (5) to collectively advance politics, the economy, defence, national identity and spirit with perseverance, diligence and dedication, guided by the motto: “Keep Moving Forward to Achieve Our Goal.” First, the flag hoisting ceremony was held and the flag hoisting platoon raised the flag together with national races at 4:20 am.
Then, union level officials, union ministers, the auditor general of the Union, the chairman of the Union Civil Service Board, the chairman of Nay Pyi Taw Council, the governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar, the chairman of the Anti-corruption Commission, the chairman of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission, senior Tatmadaw officers, judges of the Supreme Court of the Union, members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union of Myanmar, members of the Union Election Commission, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, deputy ministers, members of the Union Civil Service Board, deputy governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar, members of the Anti-Corruption Commission, members of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission, the chairman of the Revenue Appellate Tribunal, members of Nay Pyi Taw Council, the deputy mayor of Nay Pyi Taw Development Committee, departmental heads and staff, national races and the public took their positions in the square in front of the city hall, where the flag saluting ceremony would take place, at 6 am.
At 7 am, the flag saluting ceremony was held and the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy, Air) Guard of Honour marched toward the square and took position.
Then, Chairman of the Central Committee for Organizing the 77th Anniversary Independence Day Vice Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Thiri Pyanchi Maha Thray Sithu Soe Win arrived at the dais and took the salute of the guard of honour.
Afterward, the Vice-Senior General and attendees salute the flag of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar together with the guard of honour. Then, the guard of honour saluted fallen leaders and comrades and took four oaths.
Afterward, the Vice-Senior General read out the Independence Day message sent by Chair-man of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing.
Then, the Vice-Senior General took the salute of guard of honour and the flag saluting ceremony concluded.