Education, Health and Human Resource Development Committee holds coordination meeting

Nay Pyi Taw  February  15

The Education, Health and Human Resource Development Committee held a coordination meeting at the meeting hall of the office of the Chairman of the State Administration Council, here, this evening, with an address by Chair-man of the Committee Vice Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win.

Also present at the meeting were members of the State Administrat-ion Council Admiral Tin Aung San, Daw Aye Nu Sein and U Moung Har, Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr. Thet Khaing Win, Chairman of Union Civil Services Board U Than Swe, deputy mini-sters, permanent secretaries and officials.

At the meeting, the Chairman of the Committee delivered a speech, saying that the State Administration Council formed five com-mittees. Among them, the Education, Health and Human Resource Development Committee will continue carrying out of duties and tasks. The committee will not change its policies, procedures and visions. The committee will undertake its tasks under the collec-tive leadership.

Joint Secretary of the Committee Union Minister Dr. Thet Khaing Win reported on tasks of the committee on procedures to decide matters related to holding of the meetings by spending foreign exchange in addition to sending staff abroad for scholarship, sending staff to meetings and workshops held at home and abroad, and sending of labourers to foreign countries.

Afterwards, the Chairman of the Committee Vice Chairman of the State Administration Council asked about further information for the procedures.