myawady news

Innocent locals return after fleeing from armed  conflicts in Lay Kay Kaw

Innocent locals return after fleeing from armed  conflicts in Lay Kay Kaw

30 DECEMBER 2021

SECURITY forces arrested NUG and  PDF terrorists in Lay Kay Kaw town of Kayin State and after that case, the  armed engagement broke out between security forces and NUG and PDF terrorists, including members of KNU/ KNLA, who want to break NCA, starting  15 December. The innocent residents  fled to the other country.

State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min  Aung Hlaing inspects township hospital, basic education high school in  Cocogyun, fulfill requirements

State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min  Aung Hlaing inspects township hospital, basic education high school in  Cocogyun, fulfill requirements

Nay Pyi Taw December 28

Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in- Chief of Defence  Services Maha Thray Sithu Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses Passing-out Parade of the 19th Intake (Male) and the 6th Intake (Female) of  Military Institute of Nursing and Para

Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in- Chief of Defence  Services Maha Thray Sithu Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses Passing-out Parade of the 19th Intake (Male) and the 6th Intake (Female) of  Military Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences

Nay Pyi Taw December 27

Terrorists launch mine attacks on two BEPPSs in Pauk Township

Terrorists launch mine attacks on two BEPPSs in Pauk Township

Nay Pyi Daw ,December 27, 2021

The terrorists committed homemade bomb attacks on two Basic Education Post-Primary Schools in Pauk Township of Magway Region.

At about 9:30 am on 25 December, one terrorist riding a motorcycle threw a handmade bomb into No (2) BEPPS in Aungtawmu Ward of Pauk Township in Magway Region.

The bomb blast destroyed 10 sheets of ceiling and 20 window glasses of school building.